Weeklong Daily Art Journal

Wow, that’s a mouthful, eh?

I wasn’t sure what to call this (feel free to jump in with suggestions!!) but I was so inspired by Julie’s post in January that I decided to do pages like that each week. I’ve already been a huge fan of Judy Wise and her journals but I never felt I could do it. And then I saw Julie’s post and it all felt so doable suddenly.

Thank you, Julie!!

I decided to give it a try for February. I ordered one of the same watercolor Moleskine journals and then started right on February 1. Since that was a Tuesday, I used the first page for that shorter week.

I tried not to pressure myself to do great art. Just had fun with it. Here’s week 1:

Then for the second week, I had the idea to draw these two faces looking at each other:

and I just added a bit each day. I also bought a polaroid printer which prints not-so-great photos but they are stickers and small so it’s perfect for the journal.

I try not to add too much dimension as I don’t want it to get hard to write in but I use it also as a way to try new things. Like molding paste.

so here’s week 2:

closer up – left page:

closer up – right page:

and then for the next page, I wanted to try some acrylic since I’d only used watercolor before then. I was inspired by Christy’s girls but this was before the class so I did my best:

and here’s the full, finished page:

closer up – left page:

closer up – right page:

and then for the next page, I just tried to draw some butterflies. I’ve been taking Alisa’s sketch class so I figured it was a good idea to try. I do not love how it turned out.

And here’s the left page:

and the right one, which you can tell is much less artsy since it was a busy part of the week.

and there we are. I’ve actually done February 28 as well but that’s with this week. I generally make the backgrounds on the weekend and sometimes I make a few. Sometimes just one. And sometimes none. I try to make sure I have at least one extra so I don’t stress. And then as I go along, I add a little bit each day. Whatever I feel like. Some days it’s just 15 minutes and other days it’s more.

And the journaling. Some days it’s really emotional, personal and other days it’s more of “here’s what we did today” and that’s fine too. I don’t stress about it too much. It’s sort of like the December Daily where it’s a little bit each day. And sort of like Project life where I put something about our day each day. But it’s more art than either. Nothing time consuming like photo printing. I just relax and enjoy the process.

So I love it. And for now, it stays. I will keep doing it until I don’t love it anymore. I love that it will show my progress and my life as it is. With portraits, watercolors, girls, sketching and all the other things I am trying right now.

I think my plan is to post these on Tuesdays along with the Weekly Art Journal post which I still plan to keep up separately for a more art-focused piece. But I can’t decide what’s the best day of the week so if you have good ideas I am open to it.

And there we are. I love this new project and thank you Julie for showing me I could do it!!

25 comments to Weeklong Daily Art Journal

  • I think you should call it “I am pretty awesome.” you know, “this week for ‘I am pretty awesome’ I painted two faces looking at each other.” I don’t know…I think it’s catchy.

    I SOOO have to do this. I love a lot of your projects, but this one is AMAZING. Seriously. AMAZING.

  • love it…i’m having fun exploring what i can do in my art journal, too! thanks for sharing julie with me!

  • Ginny

    This is amazing! I love how it combines journaling with so much creativity and play!

  • Okay, this is totally awesome! I love my Polaroid PoGo — I have the camera, but it prints just like the printer, and I agree the quality isn’t the best, but it’s fun fun fun!

  • Love your pages! Love your butterflies! Love your girl! Love the whole darn thing!

  • Oh, I love that art journal. I have to try something like that too.
    It’s too awesome!

  • Marjorie

    Wow! Awesome! (And I agree with Robyn’s idea for the title!)

  • This is so fun! I LOVE It! I am going to have to try this one of these days….like you I always thought I couldn’t do it justice….you’ve inspired me!!

  • Wow. This is so stunning.

  • Whoa Woman! That is amazing! The color, the doodles, the pictures, all of it!! I’m blown away!

  • Meggie

    I agree with all the others its beautiful,gorgeous and fun. I would like to try this too and read Julies article. Thanks for sharing and inspiring us.

  • ErinK.

    Love LOVE LOVE these lo’s!!! Your art is amazing!

  • Brooke

    Wonderful art journal. I love this idea. Going to follow the link to see about which moleskin.

  • Cheryl

    This is so amazing. I didn’t know what to do with the journal I got for my birthday…now I do. This is a great idea! Keep the inspirations coming.

  • Donna C

    Love this art journal – it’s wonderful!

  • Damiane Lucas

    I LOVE your Art Journal! I’ve always been inspired by Judy Wise’s journals, and I’ve always wished I could draw. Alas, I can’t! Your Art Journal is very BEAUTIFUL! Thanks for sharing.

  • dawn

    This is beautiful Karen, I love every page and the whole idea of this. It’s amazing how many creative outlets you have daily/weekly/monthly I think it’s wonderful and fun. Thanks for sharing these links going to check them out. So is this journal just something I can get at Walmart and what kind of pen do you use to write on over the paint, it must be a special kind?This is something I’d be interested in doing so any help you can give me would be great. Thanks so much for sharing this with us. I would like to see it posted on any day of the week, any day works for me, whatever is easiest on you. Thanks again and looking forward to seeing more of this.

  • Oh gosh! This is utterly fabulous! Love love love love love every page. This is going to have to go on my projects to try list!

  • rene

    Absolutely beautiful. Just when I think you are doing everything already you show me this beauty! AHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh 🙂

  • Quinna

    this is incredible! I had to read the post for a second time. I went to Julie’s site and she is fantastic. I thought to myself gee I could do this…and then I said to myself this isn’t your style. Normally I would have thought about it and bought all the stuff or taken a class and then hated doing it. So I’m on the learning curve for your class! Q

  • Wow! Your pages are so awesome and full of life. they definitely remind me of Judy Wise, but you’ve got your own thing going here. beautiful!

  • […] Karen?????????????????????Balzer Designer??????????????Art Journal Every Day???????????? […]

  • Hi Karen,

    I wanted to pop in and say I’ve just recently started following your blog and your art journaling and it’s very inspiring. I’m sure you’ve been wondering where this new random commenter came from, lol. I LOVE this post. It’s very helpful and your work is gorgeous. Thanks for sharing your work!


    • karenika

      thank you so so much!! I welcome a random commenter any day! It makes me so so happy to know that you like it here. thank you so much for coming and for taking the time to comment!

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