Daily Diary – September 15 2010

Today passed too quickly and I now have to rush to get to my book club on time so I am going to keep it short. The morning was same as always, taking david to the bus, nathaniel napping, me working etc. Then around midday Nathaniel and I went to work to meet some work mates for lunch. A few more his etc, and I was back home and it was time to pick up David. This is a common scene in my house. Both my kids, playing quietly. Love them.

And I grabbed a smile. this one just for me.

After some more work, I decided it was time to organize my albums. I had ordered a bunch in the last few weeks and they came in. So here they all are. Bad photo, apologies.

Black for David, Brown for Nathaniel, Red for me, Light blue for both kids together, Purple for misc., and Darker blue for Jake. That’s it. Love having them organized and marked. And I made a set for my side table too. This holds one of each for current layouts. So when I am done photographing it, it goes into one of these albums. When they fill up, I put them in the big pile and take out a new one. Easy peasy.

I had moments of stress today and I chose joy and it paid off in a big way. Choosing joy really works! Then I took the plunge and did something I was afraid of and that worked too! and then I got a wonderful email and that made me happy, too. And some more amazing emails that need time and focus for a reply (tomorrow, I promise!) so I’ve been busy but really grateful and really happy. My big recommendation today: take a chance. Put yourself out there. You never know when it works!

Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful for two emails. Two wonderful opportunities.
2. I am grateful for an amazing email from my sister. Kind. Authentic. Loving. I love love love you Yona.
3. I am grateful for and awesome phone conversation with my husband. He rocks my world!

Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. putting together my new legos by myself
2. signing at school in music class
3. making my inchworm puppet at school

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