Review: Silicon Hearts

Silicon Hearts
Silicon Hearts by Robin Miyashita
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

For some reason I kept waiting for this book to be like many others where Silicon Valley is full of evil, terrible people who are plotting some sinister way to exploit the main characters. I think I hadn’t fully read that it was a romance story.

So while there was a little evil-ness, it was mostly a story about five kids who win an opportunity to participate at a special program hosted by a big tech company (that smelled a lot like a combination of Apple and Google). As someone who works at one of these companies, I laughed at some of what was true and some of what was clearly exaggerated but all in the spirit of fun.

The writers are both from the industry so there’s nothing here that was egregiously ridiculous except maybe that they couldn’t predict the 2023 slow down of tech.

I enjoyed each of the five characters. They weren’t super complex but they also weren’t cartoons. They just weren’t deeply developed but it didn’t bother me. This was a fun, entertaining read.

with gratitude to netgalley and Hyperion Avenue for an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.

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