Review: Learn to Draw in 5 Weeks: A Beginner’s Workbook for All Ages

Learn to Draw in 5 Weeks: A Beginner's Workbook for All Ages
Learn to Draw in 5 Weeks: A Beginner’s Workbook for All Ages by Kritzelpixel
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This book starts out very simple with introductory exercises to warm up and loosen your hands with doodling and mark making and then it expands from there all the way to multiple different perspective exercises. Some are really easy and some are really sophisticated. It’s not “fun” but it’s serious and a great look at not just drawing techniques but how to get into the right mindset and how to hold the pen and move your arms etc. A very different and interesting guide. I’ve been really enjoying working my way through it.

with gratitude to Zeitgeist and netgalley for an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review

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