Review: Art for Self-Care: Create Powerful Healing Art by Listening to Your Inner Voice

Art for Self-Care: Create Powerful, Healing Art by Listening to Your Inner Voice
Art for Self-Care: Create Powerful, Healing Art by Listening to Your Inner Voice by Jessica Swift
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I had read Jessica Swift’s story before but I didn’t remember it until I saw it again it this book. What a terrible tragedy she’s had to survive and what a wonderfully inspiring book this is. This is not a step by step book. It won’t teach you how to draw or paint. Instead if will teach you how to go within and access that part of you that can then create beautiful, amazing, meaningful art.

The book is also full of Jessica’s inspiring, colorful and beautiful art. It will make your fingers itch to create as you read it.

with gratitude to Quarry Books and edelweiss for an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review

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