Well, an unexpected foray into covid definitely threw a wrench into January plans and definitely into Nourish plans. So I will recap January and we will see if I can reset for February.
- Spaciousness: I have continued to do daily stretching, restorative yoga and frequent meditation. Meditation is the one I have been more inconsistent with and my hope for February would be to experiment with doing 5 minutes several times a day if that makes it easier.
- Rest: With the exception of when I was sick, I’ve been pretty good about taking baths. I have been averaging more like 7 hours of sleep but it’s not terrible either. I do wish I could sleep more deeply throughout the night, not sure what the cure for that is.
- Reflection: i have been noting one thing daily that gives me joy but I have not been journaling otherwise. This is something I still need to figure out how to incorporate into my routine.
- Art: I did a little bit of art in January but not nearly enough. I’m thinking of doing this for my 100day project in 2022, let’s see if I can pull it off.
- Exercise: I’ve been doing the bike and HCOTF calendar, even when I was sick. The climbing in January has been more intermittent than I would like but I am hoping it will come back with a vengeance.
- Food: For about two weeks I managed to really limit my intake of gluten and sugar but then when I got sick, it all went out the door. I’m working on restarting this ASAP.
- Water: I also did poorly on the water when I was sick but in general drinking 64 ounces of water daily hasn’t been an issue. The herbal tea journey continues.
- Skin: I have not moisturizer on every day.
- Floss: I did this for a while, need to get back on.
- Learn: I really need to brainstorm more on this one.
- Connection: I did several different outings in January. Did online book club, had a friend over for dinner, and went to a friend’s house for a get together. All of them were wonderful.
- Music: I have been listening to a lot of music. HAIM and the playlist from the Extravagant Hope.
- Face Masks: These are fun. I did two in January.
- And more: I have been keeping a list of what gives me joy and it’s been quite fun to do and to see.
I did some and didn’t do others in January but I still feel good about it. Onward to February.
Nourish is a year-long project for 2022. You can read more about my projects for 2022 here.
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