Review: Jacket Weather

Jacket Weather
Jacket Weather by Mike DeCapite
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

She said “I’d like to get even closer to you, but I can’t.” “I know. If it were up to me, we’d sift together like sand, until we were inseparable.”

This is the story of Mike who runs into his old flame, June, years later in New York and they get together. The story is written in a very disjointed manner, that, for me, was hard to follow and consume. It’s bits and pieces of their life as they navigate this relationship and New York City and try to figure out aspects of their lives and who they are to each other.

To Tere: “I call her at work it’s like I’m talking to a different person. It’s whiplash, from how she is on the weekend to how she is Monday, which is all business. On the weekend, I’m reassured by her tone, if not by what she says. During the week, I’m out here on my own again.”

There were many sentiments, observations, thoughts I loved in the book. Little sentences here and there that were so profound, so human, so true.

She’d turned me inside out. Or I’d done it for her. I felt as though my heart was on the outside, beating. There was never enough of her. I could never get close enough, never possess her completely enough.

In the end, while I enjoyed this story, it didn’t come together for me in the way in which I would have hoped. The bits and pieces style kept the characters at a distance so I never felt immersed in the story.

with gratitude to netgalley and Soft Skull Press for an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.

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