Daily Year of Yes – 172

Year of Yes – 172

I made a mistake tonight at work. It wasn’t a big mistake but it still made me trigger when it was pointed out. I took extra long being careful with every word I used in my email reply. And of course I thought about it for a while after and felt shame.

But now I am sitting here and deciding that I am ok with it.

We have a lot of change at work and there are new work dynamics, people dynamics and I am working hard to learn to grow to pivot.

That means that I will make mistakes. Because it’s hard to learn without making some mistakes. The only way to not make any mistakes is to do nothing.

So I made one today. I will learn from it and not make this one again. Next time I make a different one, I will hopefully learn from that one, too. And if I do it well, I the distance between mistakes will get wider and wider.

Here’s hoping.

Yes to releasing the shame and yes to learning from my mistakes.

#yearofyes #karenikayearofyes

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