I can’t get enough of the ranunculus and the season is slowly ending so I am enjoying them as much as possible.
I installed SSL certificates on my machine this weekend and a day later I realized some of the features I was using were now broken.
I spent four hours last night surfing hundreds of sites trying to debug my issue, staying up well past bedtime. Each time I thought to walk away, I figured the next two things I tried might work so I couldn’t leave.
When I finally gave up and went to sleep, I dreamt about the certificates all night. I thought about workarounds, alternative features. I did not get enough sleep.
After I woke up and forced myself to do all my exercise, I walked downstairs and started to look into it again in the middle of a meeting.
Within 20 minutes I had found and fixed the issue.
There’s a reason people tell you to ‘sleep on it.’ it’s advice I need to heed more often.
Yes to fixing my problem, yes to the power of sleep. Yes to having SSL finally.
#yearofyes #karenikayearofyes
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