Review: Meet Me in Another Life

Meet Me in Another Life
Meet Me in Another Life by Catriona Silvey
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

‘Santi shakes his head. “Thora, no. If love was something we had to deserve, we would all be loveless. No, love is what the world owes us.” He gives her an apologetic smile. “Sometimes, it doesn’t pay up, that’s all.”’

I really loved the time I spent with this story. I’ve read a lot of books and have seen many characters and a lot of plot lines. I don’t think I’ve ever read anything like this. It’s part romance and part science fiction and I had no idea where it was going but while I was trying to figure that out, I fell in love with the characters along the way.

“There’s no wrong choice,” Santi says. “There’s just what happens.”

And then once I knew what was going on, and my mind was blown, I loved it even more. I just wanted to keep going. And there were crazy twists upon twists but none of them mattered to me because these two characters already had my heart.

“I didn’t understand until you put it that way. But do you realize, this is what I’ve wanted my entire life? My entire lives. A way to go back. To see how it would be if I did things differently.” She shakes her head in wonder. “I’ve always been so scared of choosing wrong. Now, I don’t have just one choice. I can live every life I want to. Explore every version of who I can be.” He speaks carefully. “You can’t control everything that happens to you.”

And then the heart-wrenching ending came and I was shattered and full of joy and full of awe at this crazy, weird, unusual book that managed to take my heart, fill it, break it, rebuild it and just make me feel full with awe and wonder. What a book.

“Yes,” he says, fire in his voice. “Thora, yes. It’s not one choice. It’s a hundred choices, every single day, and all of them matter.” He holds her gaze steadily as he says, “I learned that from you.”

with gratitude to William Morrow and edelweiss for an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review

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