The last time I rode the bike was December 28 before I talked to the doctor about my sciatica. It’s been a month and my pain is still here but finally dissipating enough that today I decided I wanted to get in the bike and see how it felt.
I took it very slowly and did a scenic ride so I wouldn’t feel any pressure. My leg is aching a bit now but no sharp pain yet.
It’s been a hard journey and I don’t plan to go right back to the tough rides, but I am excited to be able to finally ride again and trying to remind myself to take baby steps so I can continue to do this.
Yes to slow ramps. Yes to beginning again. Yes to staying healthy!
#yearofyes #karenikayearofyes
Hi, reading about your sciatica and wondering why you aren’t seeing a chiropractor to fix the source of your problem. When we have a subluxation (disc out of whack) it pinches a nerve and causes pain somewhere else. Most sciatica is caused in the spine by a pinched nerve.
You do need to see a good chiro, one that takes a history, xrays, and speaks first before ever touching you.
Good luck.
yes, I would love to see one but I am still sheltering in place for now, due to covid :/