Books I Read This Week 2020 – 32

Here are my goodreads reviews. If you’re on goodreads, add me as a friend so I can see your books too! I also have an instagram account where I join my love of reading with my love of art.

The End of the Day (4 stars): “Whatever their differences might be, they were alike in one, now obvious way: they were both men who left her bruised. “

I love Bill Clegg’s writing. I know several people thought this was a slow-moving novel, but not for me. Maybe because I knew that, I sat down and committed to reading at least 30% of it in one go. Most stories pick up by the 30-40% mark and this was no exception. By that time, I’d met most of the characters, gotten attached to them and was curious enough about the plot (and how the characters connected) that there was no way I was putting it down.

“He is yours and so he is also mine, whether I like it or not, but let’s not pretend to have the same experience of him, she told Hap later, after they became engaged.”

The characters in this story seem to far away from each other that, at first, it’s impossible to imagine how they might be connected. And yet, the story beautifully, patiently weaves them together and you’re left seeing the whole quilt in a way that makes each square more precious.

I loved Clegg’s writing, his characters that slowly made their way into my heart with their exquisitely flawed lives and choices. None of the characters were utterly likable and yet they were each so relatable in their own ways and easy to sympathize with. The wanting, the grief and the sadness of their lives was so palpable.

I enjoyed this quiet book very much.

With gratitude to netgalley and Gallery Books for an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.

The Trouble with Hating You (4 stars): Even though I’ve already forgotten most of it, I read this is in one sitting and enjoyed every single moment i spent with it. It’s fast moving, funny, and truly enjoyable.

What You Wish For (4 stars): There’s something sweet and magical about Katherine Center’s books. They are like cozy blankets and a warm cup of tea on a cold night. At a time like this, her books are exactly what we all need. The delicious dialogue, the wonderful characters and sweet sweet stories. Love her.

The Butterfly Lampshade (3.5 stars): I love Aimee Bender. Her previous book was one of my very favorites and this one was also up there for me because her use of imagery, her ability to blend the surreal with the real, and the 3-dimensional characters she has even in her smaller characters are really all i want from a book ever. This book about mental illness was not as wonderful as The Particular Sadness of Lemon Cake so if you haven’t read any of her, i’d recommend that first.

Midnight Sun (3 stars): There was almost no chance I wasn’t reading this book. I’ve been waiting for it since she originally started writing it 15 years ago. My first 30 minutes with the audiobook felt like I wouldn’t actually be able to go through with it but then I remembered the familiar characters and got lost in the lovely world again. By the end, it was definitely feeling a little too long, but I am still glad I got to revisit this with all the memories it brought back.

The Book of Wild flowers (4 stars): If you enjoy looking through a book of absolutely beautiful flower drawings, you will love and adore this book. I loved every single drawing in the book. It’s incredible how many varieties of flowers can be found in nature and how delicate and beautiful each other. I have a soft spot for the poppies and sunflowers.

with gratitude to netgalley and Dover Publications for an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.

And there we go, grateful to be reading.

Books I Read this Week 2020 is a year-long project for 2019. You can read more about my projects for 2020 here. I am also tracking my books in real time on Good Reads here. If you’re on Good Reads add me so I can follow you, too! I’ve also started an instagram account where I join my love of reading with my love of art.

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