May 2017 – Shining Means – 5

karenika.comThis card says: Shining means loving unbounded. Loving everyone. Loving all the time. With flaws and all. We are all flawed. We all could use kindness and help but most of all we all deserve love. Shining means having that love be visible to all.

Oh man, this is the easiest one. What could shining mean but love. Just unbounded love.

Pouring out of everywhere. I want love to come out of my pores. When I shine, that’s what happens. I love everyone, I love everything. I love my life. I love life itself.

We might not like everyone, We might not like everything someone does but we can love them. We can love all people. 

Does this seem a bit woo-woo? Maybe it is. but it’s how I want to feel. When I shine, it’s how I feel. I want my friends and family to be able to see the love in my face. To see it come out of my eyes and my words and pour all over them. 

I can’t do this very often but when I can, I am in such peace. And when people do it to me, I feel so incredibly lucky. 

Shining Means is a Monthly Project for March 2017. You can read more about my projects for 2017 here. You can read about the start of this project here.

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