Weekly Reflection 2017 – 12

Three ways I shone this week: Ok I had a bunch of intentions this week, let’s see how well I did.

  • One is to make sure I sleep as much as possible.
    • I did relatively well at this I think. I’ve continued to sleep without waking up in the middle of the night.
  • Two is to get organized enough to feel like I know all that needs to get done and don’t feel like things are chaotic. 
    • Hmm, medium on this I’d say. I do feel more organized now, mostly because I got a bunch of things done but I don’t think I did the lists I implied in the post above.
  • Three is to follow through with whatever the doctor says to do and to make the few other appointments I will need to make for regular checkups that I know I am behind on.
    • Well I got an Xray and my mammogram. All of which came out clean. Nothing to follow up on except going back if the pain continues.
  • Four is to either book or do all the steps to get ready to book our summer trip.
    • I can’t believe I am saying this but I totally did this one. I got our visas and booked the flights. I still have to follow up with a hotel but I did the very hard (for me) part!
  • Five is to be done with the taxes, at least on our side.
    • This, too, is done. We handed everything over so now we wait to get results.
  • Six is to keep smiling, keep looking for the good, and keep enjoying myself just the way I am.
    • I also made a lot of effort to do this. It was a long and hectic week but I showed up to everything. To work, to social events, to my family, to myself. I did it.

I celebrate: my incredibly lucky life this week.

I am grateful for: my wonderful husband who is always generous in the ways in which he supports me and encourages me and celebrates me. I am beyond lucky.

I nourished myself by: eating more salad and protein this week. and resting a lot of the weekend.

Reflecting on my worries: i so totally booked the summer trip. i finished our taxes. i loved the benefit. i was tired but i didn’t flop. my knees are in fact a bit better and so far i haven’t dropped the ball just yet. i did spend a bunch of time worrying about finishing off stuff today which I wish i’d handled with more grace but I made it through.

I let go of: the story that things aren’t going to work out. i am embracing gratitude instead.

Core Desire Check-in (bold, mindful, nourish, love):

  • bold: i showed up to a dinner where i knew no one. it was scary scary scary for me.
  • mindful: i was so mindful today as I observed myself losing my calm and composure. it was really uncomfortable feeling it and doing it anyway.
  • nourish: mixed bag still. eating a lot of salad and some protein but also still eating plenty of not so great things. 
  • love: feeling deeply grateful and moving towards contentment. this, for me, is the very best kind of love. 

What made me laugh this week: I laughed a lot with my friend Tamara at the Benefit on Saturday. It was really wonderful.
What I tolerated this week: several trips to work. long long long days.

My mood this week was: on and off a bit early in the week but a strong finish 🙂
I forgive myself for: losing my calm today.
What I love right now: my full life. the bold steps i am taking in my life in so many areas. 

Here’s to a wonderful week thirteen. It’s almost April! 

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