Four Years

A random stranger walking up to me and handing me his number while my dad and I are opening a bank account.

A phone conversation where he keeps saying “cool” which simply means between cold and warm to me.

Buying a football game magazine which cost five dollars for ten.

Watching my best friend kiss the freshman picture book.

Bouncing my first check ever. Groveling to the bank to not charge me.

The tray of constipation.

Having my portrait drawn by an art student.

A terrible eighteenth birthday where I find out my crush has a crush on my roommate. And then ten people spending the night in our room.

First time I earn money.

My roommate hollering to me that my alarm is going off.

Our first answering machine recording, made up from parts of songs.

Dammit! I will fuck you!

Painting the fence. Movie nights in DH2210.

Dropping out of sorority rush on day two.

First time I kiss a boy whom I’m not dating and don’t get called the next day.

My first Halloween.

Waking my friend up at three A.M. to start studying for our history final. And non-stop studying for the next two days.

A summer living in Theta Xi.

A night spent sleeping in the hospital’s waiting room.

All nighters. Mountain Dew. Diet Coke.

Spending ten hours in the cafeteria talking. Yuk yuk.

Talking someone out of a depressed suicidal mood.

Taking more than twice as many classes as acceptable. A dean, offering to pay for my class, if only I agree to drop one.

Getting drunk and discovering that I take off my clothes when I get drunk. Never getting drunk again.


Bell Labs. First real job.

Email. Tons and tons of email.

Friends. Lots and lots of friends.

Teaching. Learning. Crying. Laughing. Growing.

I loved college.

Previously? Happie News.

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