A few weeks ago, we went to David’s school for the bi-annual parent-teacher conference. One of the things the teacher said was that David is well-rounded in that he is interested in art as much as playing with trains and blocks. They thought it was wonderful that he enjoyed art and baking and I totally agree. So I decided that this year, I will take time (at least) once a week to sit with him and do some crafts.
Since I know from experience that it’s more likely to get done if I already have a list of ideas, I made an initial list of ideas. I might do all of these or none of these and I will likely add to it throughout the year. If you happen to know of fun craft ideas for kids (he’s going to be five years old in February), please please leave me a comment and I will add it to my list.
As we do them, I will post them here and change these links so you have both our creation and the original idea’s link.
I’ve also made a visual version of this on tumblr so we can quickly look at the photos and David can pick what he wants to do that week.
Here’s my initial list:
- Cut-out stencil prints
- Halloween bats
- Halloween gourds
- snowman doorstop
- leaves art
- make a kite
- miraculous leaf rubbings
- messy leaf prints
- robots
- Paper plate dinosaurs
- Paper people chains
- stencils
- flowers
- flower pot
- xmas advent
- xmas countdown advent
- nature bracelets
- origami tree
- wrapping bottles
- yarn pompom
- felt xmas trees
- fabric ornaments
- hanukkah – city
- cereal box houses
- fun wreaths
- leaf stenciling
- popsicle pencil holder
- paper heart
- glue resist dinosaur
- froggy jello
- recycled milk carton truck
- felt cuffs
- bath ice cubes
- sun prints
- body flip book
- bead bugs
- ice cream sandwiches
- juice box boats
- ice cream cones
- felt caterpillars
- fairy wings
- fall tree
- felt shapes
- fishing game
- apple trees
- apple cake
- crow puppets
- halloween mini pumpkins
- halloween haunted house
- spider cookies
- gourd ghosts
- halloween bat garland
- halloween painted jar luminaries
- 3-d tree with felt leaves
- paper chains
- yogurt cup houses
- thanksgiving wreath
- acorn painting
- paper roll squirrels
- gingerbread man puppets from felt
A wide range of ideas. Some easier and some more challenging. Here’s to a year of crafting with my (big) little one. As Nathaniel grows up, he might join us for a few of these, too.
karenika ,
benim cocuklarin yuvadayken yaptigi bazi seyler vardi…
1 piggy bank:
beyaz 1 litrelik yuvarlak plastik sut sisesini pembe renge boyamak , yan yatirmak ve yuvarlanmasin diye 4 ayak kartondan kapaginada pembe kartondan domuz burnu goz ve kulak son olarak ta sut sisesinin tepesine bicakla delik acmak iste sana domuz kumbara ….
2- tirtil
yumurta kartonununu 1 sira kes cocuk istedigi gibi sulu boya ile boyasin 2 tane anten ve 2 goz yapistir iste sana the hungry catter pillar..
3- marakas
tuvalet kagidi bos rulo veya kagit havlu bos rulosu etrafini koyadigi bir A4 kagitla kapla veya renkli kartonlarla kolaj yap bir tane basini kartonla uhula sonra icine mercimek nohut pirinc leblebi ne istersen karisik koy ve obur ucunuda kartonla kapat . iste sana marakas muzik aleti
4- wallmarttan ucuza beyaz bir minik yastik almak (veya ugrasmak istiyorsan evde yap) ve kumas koyalari ile ustunu istedigi gibi boyasin ve yataginin ustune sus yastik olsun ( istersen anneler gunu veya babalar gununde konuya uygun birseyler yapip size hediye edebilir…)
5- 2 kalin yarim A4 boyunda karton birinini fo kartonu kullan oburunu onun ustune cercevenin kenari gibi ici bos olacak sekilde kes cercevenin kenarina istedigi boncuklari susler yapistirsin ortasi bos kalsin ve aile resminizi yapistirin ortasina odasina cerceve olsun arkasina kalin kartondan destek kesmeyi unutma ….
karenika dana dusunup hatirlarim istersen ama resim bulmakta zorlanirim yazdiklarimi hayal edebilirmisin ??? yaptiklarinizin resmini koyarsin istersen ??? belkide bu haftasonu cocuklarin hatira kutularini acip yuva calismalarina bakarim … istermisin ???
seni cok seviyorum
karenika bir sey daha geldi aklima evdeki artik dikdortgen ilac kutularini veya degisik karton kutulari renkli elisi kagitlarla kaplayip ve ustuste yapistirarak bir robot yapabilir. robotun ustunu goz anten dugme gibi susleyebilir…
karenika kendimi tutamiyorum aklima son bir sey geldi
gelecek sene bir tane lazanya makarna al ve tabla gibi kullan ustune penne makarnalari dik dik yapistir bir tanesini daha uzun yap ve makarnalari boyasin iste sana hannukia mumlari da penne makarnalara oturt.
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