2016 Stories – 10 – Andy Griffiths Reading

David and I are big readers. We pretty much prefer reading over most other activities. (Most of the time.) But Nathaniel — not so much. He’s the social one and would prefer to play with friends or toys or imaginary games over reading. Given a good book, he will happily sit and read, so much of my time is spent searching for good books for him. He likes funny books that are series. Not a genre I know too much about.

For his birthday, his friend Ryan got him the 13-story treehouse, its sequel and a gift certificate to buy more. I hadn’t heard of this book, but apparently we already had it. So we went to the the store and exchanged the new one for the two sequels, so now we had all four books. Nathaniel spent the weekend reading all four without stop!

When we heard the author (who is Australian) was visiting our local bookstore, Nathaniel and several of his classmates all went to the reading. It was his first book reading and it was such a delightful one to start with because the author was hilarious, kind, and genuine. He made us laugh and laugh and laugh. And then he signed his books.

It was an absolutely incredible experience for the little boy. I am so glad we did it!

PS: As it turned out the next book in the series was already out in Australia (though not coming here for another year.) so when it turned out that I had to go to Sydney for work, Nathaniel’s one and only ask was the next book!

Stories from 2016 is a year-long project for 2016. You can read more about my projects for 2016 here.

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