2014 – Learning with David and Week 1

As I was thinking about what project I’d like to do with David this year, I kept coming back to my theme for the year: learning. I want 2014 to be a year of learning and growth. So it made perfect sense that I would pick a project where David and I could learn together.

What I’ve decided is that we’ll be taking online classes together, using sites like udacity, edx, coursera, etc. and we will make little cards to capture all that David learned each week.

Our first class is by udacity.com and it’s a math class called Introductory Algebra Review.

I hope to do a wide range of subjects together and I know that we might only make it through four classes since they are meant for college so we have to go slowly but it will still be worth it. Here are some I’ve found for us:

We may take all of these or none of these. Either way it’s nice to have a list to draw from.

Here’s to a year of learning!

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