And here’s the spread for week 34:
here’s a closer up of the left side:
This side is how it feels to have life with my boys, then a little hike we took together. And finally how Nathaniel looks up to David so much.
And here’s the right side:
The first one here is about how david loves comic books. Then how happy Nathaniel is all the time and one about his thumb-sucking.
Art along the bottom as usual.
Another great week. Happy Savoring.
The Savor Project was supposed to be a weekly project for 2012. You can read about my setup here.
Beyond beautiful!!! I could stare at your pages all day; they’re gorgeous.
I can entirely relate to Nathaniel. I also sucked my thumb (probably until I was a little older than he is) and it was most enjoyable! I also never had to have any orthodontic work. 🙂