Healthy For Life – Week 27

So here we are. Another week and another gain. A big one even. I don’t know what’s going on. Yes, I am eating a tiny bit worse than usual but it’s not like I am downing donuts or anything. Alas, it is what it is. I stick to the plan and maybe go easier on the peanut butter.

The exercise has been hard, too but I am totally sticking to it. 3.12 miles every single day no matter how tired or crappy I feel. No excuses, no whining, I just get up and do it. I’ve gone back to reading most days while I am on the machine because I am running out of videos and I am also beginning to enjoy my books again. I certainly still do not enjoy the running however.

I am not entirely sure how to get to the last ten pounds I’ve been struggling to lose. I feel like the last two months (or maybe even three) have been losing and gaining and losing and gaining. Not really making any forward progress. And I am already at the maximum of where I feel I can take the exercise thing right now so I am going to focus on food as it’s the only thing I feel I can do. I know weights would help but I don’t feel ready for them yet. So food, it is.

and here’s this week’s card:

Healthy for Life is a weekly project for 2011. You can read more about it here.

4 comments to Healthy For Life – Week 27

  • Maybe you are gaining muscle? Personally, I think as we get older, we have long plateaus. I have lost 30 pounds, but went back and forth with the same 5 pounds since the end of January. January!!! All of a sudden, last week I started losing again. Keep up the great work and you’ll start losing again soon.

  • jan

    I know this advice will sound contradictory to what you’re trying to do, but it worked for me a couple years ago. I got to a point in my dieting where I felt like I was starving. So at night, about an hour before bed, I would make myself one sheet of a graham crackers with a bit of peanut butter on it. Im not sure what it did, but it kick started my metabolism (I think it has stalled) and I started losing again, and quickly. Good luck and dont be so hard on yourself, sounds like you are doing all the right things! 🙂

    • karenika

      i actually think this is wise advice. i need more protein. and PB is protein and i know you’re supposed to eat protein and carbs together. i think i will try it! thank you for the encouragement!

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