Daily Diary – May 17 2011

Here’s another wonderful day and a little story from today. I played with Nathaniel last night so now he’s playing this game on his own. He picks up a car from his box.

puts it down.

car after car.

says, “ready set go!” and pushes the car down.

then we watch.

with anticipation.

and joy.

and excitement.

then self-congratulations, of course!

Little boys mean lots of laughter in our house.

So do bigger boys, thankfully.

I am so deeply blessed.

And I am thankful to photography for helping me freeze these moments. I love them so.

I hope your Tuesday was wonderful.

Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I had the day off. The second day ended up being the magic for full relaxation.
2. I am grateful to have my husband back at home. So grateful.
3. I am grateful for some wonderful scrappy opportunities coming up. I haven’t scrapped in a while and I miss it.

Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I played toss the penguin in P.E. with Arthur. {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that I had played on the computer.
3. I am grateful that I took a walk with mommy and Nathaniel.

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