Daily Diary – February 28 2011

Wow. I am glad the weekend was quiet because today was anything but. Nathaniel woke up in hysterics at 5am and would not go back down. So I gave up and got up. Then it was breakfast, reading, taking David to the bus and exercising.

Nathaniel wasn’t really interested in letting me take photos today.

I worked all day and then we picked up David who was kind enough to let me take a photo.

then he made his silly faces.

You can barely see it but Nathaniel imitated him seconds later. (wouldn’t do it again for me to take a photo!)

Then, as David and I read more Nathaniel slipped and busted his lip. Which let into hysterics. I cleaned him and then hugged him for a long time. Then I had to rush and do the Chrome release so he sat to eat but of course was in pain.

Thankfully Daddy came home around this time and life was so much better. It took a while and quite a bit of drama but both of the kids went to sleep and now I am ready to pass out. Except that I have 6 more items on my todo list. Oh well. Some days are just like that!

By the way, if you’re on the edge about my class, you only have two more days to sign up. Now or never.

Also just a few more hours to sign up for the newsletter as the March one mails out in less than 5 hours.

Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I managed to push out the dev channel. Phew.
2. I am grateful for a few quiet hours before it’s sleep time for me. I plan to fill them with art and journaling.
3. I am grateful for new lessons in both my sketching and mixed media class. I love watching all the videos and look forward to them excitedly.

Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that we played monster truck racers {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that i have p.e. tomorrow
3. I am grateful that i get to do another page in my washington book

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