Daily Diary – December 12 2010

We had some chores lined up for today that we’d been putting off for a while. So as soon as I woke up and got over the super-tired feeling I have each morning, I drove to my local Weight Watchers and bought the new points calculator. Then we took both the kids for their haircuts. David was way overdue with sideburns that we too long. Last time, he was really upset but this time he seems to have taken it all well.

It was Nathaniel’s first time and he started by sitting on dad’s lap and did not handle it well at all. He wept and wept so I told Jake I’d have him sit on me. Which calmed him down a bit so the guy could cut.

I distracted him by spraying the water bottle so he would watch and then even laugh a tiny bit.

Thankfully, it was all pretty quick and within minutes we were back home and he was playing with David’s toys. (While Daddy did another long overdue chore of changing the carseat belt location.)

When David realized what he was playing with and took it away, we had another meltdown.

But then TV came to the rescue, of course. Nathaniel’s become quite adept with the tivo remote.

After we put Nathaniel down, David worked on his gingerbreadman chart and I did a layout for the final creative therapy of 2010.

Now I am going to work on my december daily for today and then do some preparation for 2011. I have some blog posts I need to get ready and I’ve been putting that off for a while, too. Some more snuggly time tonight with Jake and our weekend will come to an end. All in all, a magical one.

Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful for this weekend full of creativity and family time. My two favorite things in the world. I also exercised and finished a book.
2. I am grateful that Jake will be home tomorrow which means he will help me with the kids and so I can focus better on my work.
3. I am grateful that we got so many of our long-put-off todo list items done. It feels great to have them checked off.

Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. coloring my gingerbread man chart {* his pick for the journal}
2. playing wii
3. getting my hair cut

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