Well, an unexpected foray into covid definitely threw a wrench into January plans and definitely into Nourish plans. So I will recap January and we will see if I can reset for February.
Spaciousness: I have continued to do daily stretching, restorative yoga and frequent meditation. Meditation is the one I have been more inconsistent with and my hope for February would be to experiment with doing 5 minutes several times a day if that makes it easier.
Rest: With the exception of when I was sick, I’ve been pretty good about taking baths. I have been averaging more like 7 hours of sleep but it’s not terrible either. I do wish I could sleep more deeply throughout the night, not sure what the cure for that is.
Reflection: i have been noting one thing daily that gives me joy but I have not been journaling otherwise. This is something I still need to figure out how to incorporate into my routine.
Art: I did a little bit of art in January but not nearly enough. I’m thinking of doing this for my 100day project in 2022, let’s see if I can pull it off.
Exercise: I’ve been doing the bike and HCOTF calendar, even when I was sick. The climbing in January has been more intermittent than I would like but I am hoping it will come back with a vengeance.
Food: For about two weeks I managed to really limit my intake of gluten and sugar but then when I got sick, it all went out the door. I’m working on restarting this ASAP.
Water: I also did poorly on the water when I was sick but in general drinking 64 ounces of water daily hasn’t been an issue. The herbal tea journey continues.
Skin: I have not moisturizer on every day.
Floss: I did this for a while, need to get back on.
Learn: I really need to brainstorm more on this one.
Connection: I did several different outings in January. Did online book club, had a friend over for dinner, and went to a friend’s house for a get together. All of them were wonderful.
Music: I have been listening to a lot of music. HAIM and the playlist from the Extravagant Hope.
Face Masks: These are fun. I did two in January.
And more: I have been keeping a list of what gives me joy and it’s been quite fun to do and to see.
I did some and didn’t do others in January but I still feel good about it. Onward to February.
Nourish is a year-long project for 2022. You can read more about my projects for 2022 here.
I’ve focused on nourishing myself for a few years on and off now. And each year it’s similar goals and each year I have different successes and improvement areas. I’ve also learned that what you focus on grows, so I think it’s a good idea to continue to focus on nourishing because it ends up positively affecting all areas of my life. So far, I am planning to lean into this, for 2022, let’s see where it goes.
Here’s what I am thinking of at the moment.
Spaciousness: I have found that stretching, restorative yoga and meditation all help me with being here and crating more presence and thus space in my life. I currently do 20 mins of each of these daily and I would like to continue for as long as I can.
Rest: I would like to take a bath at least once a week. I would like to sleep 8 hours a night as often as I can.
Reflection: I would like to journal more. Ideally I would do morning pages every morning, my quick journaling at night and possibly more throughout the day.
Art: I am deeply craving doing more creating. I want to do art. I seem to be stuck so I am hoping I can find a creative way out of this stuckness sometime soon.
Exercise: This is one of the areas where I’ve already been leaning into pretty heavily so I am grateful for the progress here and would like to commit to continuing this work. My current exercise regime is doing 20 minutes of the peloton bike, 40 minutes of strength using the HCOTF calendar daily. And then twice a week, I go rock climbing with my husband. I plan to stick to this routine for as long as it continues to work for me.
Food: For January, I’ve walked away from gluten and sugar, mostly to reset my daily routine as I was eating both of those too much during November and December. Instead, I am leaning into whole foods more and working on making healthier choices.
Water: My goal is to drink 64 ounces of water every day. I’ve been doing that for some time and it’s working well. Ideally I’d like to move to herbal tea but I still haven’t found one I can tolerate/enjoy as much as I would like. Maybe it can be a yearlong journey to find one.
Skin: I’d like to put moisturizer on every day. My skin, my feet.
Floss: Just once a day before bed.
Learn: I love learning. I come alive when I learn new things. Almost anything. I would like to find a way to infuse this into my life with some regularity.
Connection: Connection is hard for me but I want to foster more of it. I want to reconnect with old friends, solidify my connection with my existing friends and find new ones. I would like more connection in my life.
Music: Music gives me joy. I don’t listen to it enough, I usually choose to read. I would like to make room for music in my life.
Face Masks: These are fun. I want to do them more.
And more: I want to see what gives me joy. I want to create a growing list of things. An inventory of joy.
I know this is a lot. I will take it slow and see what I can do.
Nourish is a year-long project for 2022. You can read more about my projects for 2022 here.