Weekly Intention: Since this is a super short week till it’s 2020, we’re going to keep this short. I just want to rest and enjoy what’s left of 2019. Here’s to a peaceful week.
Everyday Magic is a year-long project for 2019. You can read more about my projects for 2019 here.
Weekly Intention: I am officially on vacation this week. I will be going to work a bit on Monday and fully on Wednesday but not working the rest of the week. At least that’s my intention. Let’s see if I can pull it off.
This month’s intention is:Celebrate the Magic: And finally time to rest and relax and bask in the magic of life again. You’ve come a long way. It’s time to celebrate. Honor. Be grateful. Thank 2019 for all that it gave you. Fully bask in it’s magic so you can bid it farewell.Oh yes. time to celebrate.
One way I will show up this week: calm
One magic I will make this week: buy more christmas presents and lots of climbing.
This week, I will pay attention to: listening.
This week, I will be kinder to: myself.
This week, I will focus on pleasing: no one :).
One new thing I will learn this week: i will spend some time on 2020 and learning to climb
I am looking forward to: time off
This week’s challenges: trying to make sure i take time off
Top Goals:
Work: clean out jan calendar. finish conversations. stay on top of email. stats of nbu.
Personal: daily drawing, exercise, journal, make time to sleep. come up with a whitney plan. restart meal plan. make 2020 plan.
Family: family photos, hug kids. date night with jake. hike. climb. xmas presents.
I will focus on my values:
Love: love for time off.
Learn: learn to rest
Peace: with growth.
Service: to climbing.
Gratitude: for togetherness.
This week, I want to remember: everything can wait.
Everyday Magic is a year-long project for 2019. You can read more about my projects for 2019 here.
Weekly Intention: If all goes well, this is my last full work week for 2019. I am very very ready for time off and to not think about work for a while. My intention this week is to have the conversations we need to have, to try to be open, present and clear. To advocate for myself. And to remember to pay attention to what matters most.
This month’s intention is:Celebrate the Magic: And finally time to rest and relax and bask in the magic of life again. You’ve come a long way. It’s time to celebrate. Honor. Be grateful. Thank 2019 for all that it gave you. Fully bask in it’s magic so you can bid it farewell.Oh yes. time to celebrate.
One way I will show up this week: clear
One magic I will make this week: buy more christmas presents.
This week, I will pay attention to: my words.
This week, I will be kinder to: myself.
This week, I will focus on pleasing: no one :).
One new thing I will learn this week: i think i will try to spend a bit of time planning but if i don’t that’s ok too
I am looking forward to: spending time planning 2020
This week’s challenges: just a lot of work
Top Goals:
Work: clean out jan calendar. have conversations. stay on top of email.
Personal: daily drawing, exercise, journal, make time to sleep. come up with a whitney plan. restart meal plan. make 2020 plan.
Family: family photos, hug kids. date night with jake. hike. climb.
I will focus on my values:
Love: love for myself.
Learn: learn to let go.
Peace: with struggling.
Service: to growing.
Gratitude: for time off.
This week, I want to remember: it’s going to be okay. i have a lot of options.
Everyday Magic is a year-long project for 2019. You can read more about my projects for 2019 here.
Weekly Intention: There are two weeks left in my work year if I can pull off taking the week of the 16th off (which I am trying hard to do.) So my intention is to get clear on what I want to spend that time on at work.
This month’s intention is:Celebrate the Magic: And finally time to rest and relax and bask in the magic of life again. You’ve come a long way. It’s time to celebrate. Honor. Be grateful. Thank 2019 for all that it gave you. Fully bask in it’s magic so you can bid it farewell.Oh yes. time to celebrate.
One way I will show up this week: open
One magic I will make this week: setup a few meetings.
This week, I will pay attention to: slowing down.
This week, I will be kinder to: myself.
This week, I will focus on pleasing: everyone.
One new thing I will learn this week: hmmm maybe i’ll make plans
I am looking forward to: getting a bit of work done
This week’s challenges: not a huge amount
Top Goals:
Work: clean out dec + jan calendar. setup 3 meetings for nbu. stay on top of email. plan for team meetings.
Personal: daily drawing, exercise, journal, make time to sleep. come up with a whitney plan. restart meal plan. make 2020 plan.
Family: family photos, hug kids. date night with jake. hike. climb.
I will focus on my values:
Love: love for people i love.
Learn: learn to feel open.
Peace: with trying new things.
Service: to work.
Gratitude: for quietness.
This week, I want to remember: there is a lot of time. i am not in a hurry.
Everyday Magic is a year-long project for 2019. You can read more about my projects for 2019 here.
Weekly Intention: This week is a light week. I will be working Monday/Tuesday (which I now regret and wish I hadn’t set myself up for but I will make the best of it.) and then we will be taking hikes on Wednesday/Thursday and I plan to be relaxing on Friday-Sunday. My intention this week is to go out more, to move more, to make some plans that inspire me. I feel stuck a bit.
This month’s intention is:Magic Touch: you’re making it happen. Don’t stop now. The year is almost over. What’s one area that can still benefit from your magical touch? Give love and attention there this month. You can do this. I did lean into PT a little but definitely not enough. So more of that , more moving, more nutrition.
One way I will show up this week: kind
One magic I will make this week: hopefully some hiking.
This week, I will pay attention to: my family.
This week, I will be kinder to: my inlaws.
This week, I will focus on pleasing: my whole family.
One new thing I will learn this week: maybe i can finally try to make some plans?
I am looking forward to: a quiet week
This week’s challenges: not enough alone time
Top Goals:
Work: i am going to try to clean up email and see if i can get a bit of reading done and clean out my december calendar. that’s it.
Personal: daily drawing, exercise, journal, make time to sleep. come up with a whitney plan. restart meal plan. make 2020 plan.
Family: family photos, hug kids. date night with jake. hike.
I will focus on my values:
Love: love for people i love.
Learn: learn to feel expansive.
Peace: not being alone.
Service: to family.
Gratitude: for togetherness.
This week, I want to remember: where there is love, nothing is too much trouble and there is always time.
Everyday Magic is a year-long project for 2019. You can read more about my projects for 2019 here.
Weekly Intention: I am going to be in Venice, LA for work this week as a follow up to a class I took about five months ago. I am both looking forward to going and a bit dreading it. What I’d love to do is three things: focus really hard on the class when it’s on (be super present), work a handful of hours of reading/thinking everyday, and then read, draw, relax, journal, and plan2020 for my personal goals the rest of the time. I want to have it be a really productive few days. Let’s hope I can make it happen!
This month’s intention is:Magic Touch: you’re making it happen. Don’t stop now. The year is almost over. What’s one area that can still benefit from your magical touch? Give love and attention there this month. You can do this. Ok this is it this week. Let’s lean into the PT, let’s start moving and eating well.
One way I will show up this week: present & focused.
One magic I will make this week: getting some thinking done. resting.
This week, I will pay attention to: my career.
This week, I will be kinder to: my time.
This week, I will focus on pleasing: myself.
One new thing I will learn this week: ways to think about my career
I am looking forward to: a productive week
This week’s challenges: being away from home
Top Goals:
Work: stay on top of email. clean up calendar aggressively. make 6-mo plan. come up with team plan. finish doing all the reading and schedule meetings.
Personal: daily drawing, exercise, journal, make time to sleep. come up with a whitney plan. restart meal plan. make 2020 plan.
Family: family photos, hug kids. date night with jake. hike.
I will focus on my values:
Love: love for learning and growing.
Learn: learn to see differently.
Peace: with being away.
Service: to my career.
Gratitude: for the opportunity.
This week, I want to remember: that i have all the time in the world.
Everyday Magic is a year-long project for 2019. You can read more about my projects for 2019 here.
Weekly Intention: Well last week’s accident threw a wrench in most of my plans. I expecting another quiet-ish week this week and will see if i can calm down, get focused, and see where I can get.
This month’s intention is:Magic Touch: you’re making it happen. Don’t stop now. The year is almost over. What’s one area that can still benefit from your magical touch? Give love and attention there this month. You can do this. I am still thinking about this one.
One way I will show up this week: calmer?
One magic I will make this week: i think i will have to continue to rest. i am not doing that well.
This week, I will pay attention to: how i feel and what i need.
This week, I will be kinder to: myself.
This week, I will focus on pleasing: my needs to ensure i am healing.
One new thing I will learn this week: where i should be focusing.
I am looking forward to: not super much. mostly enjoying sitting by our tree.
This week’s challenges: this weekend will be long with two all-day competitions Nathaniel has to attend and flying down to LA.
Top Goals:
Work: stay on top of email. clean up calendar aggressively. make 6-mo plan. come up with team plan. have the conversations. move cities forward.
Personal: daily drawing, exercise, journal, make time to sleep. come up with a whitney plan. restart meal plan. make 2020 plan.
Family: family photos, hug kids. date night with jake. hike. prep for my trip.
I will focus on my values:
Love: sit with the love instead of worry.
Learn: learn to take what you need.
Peace: with how much time it takes to heal.
Service: my healing.
Gratitude: for my family.
This week, I want to remember: that it’s all going to be okay. life’s a long game.
Everyday Magic is a year-long project for 2019. You can read more about my projects for 2019 here.
Weekly Intention: This week promises to be a bit quieter than usual. My intention this week is to slow down, to spend some time reflecting, and some time making plans. Let’s see if I can manage it.
This month’s intention is:Magic Touch: you’re making it happen. Don’t stop now. The year is almost over. What’s one area that can still benefit from your magical touch? Give love and attention there this month. You can do this. Hmm I think the biggest one here is twofold: magical me and health. Let’s see if I can give them some magic.
One way I will show up this week: quiet.
One magic I will make this week: hmm i think this week will be resting and recovering a bit.
This week, I will pay attention to: my goals and things that make me come alive.
This week, I will be kinder to: myself. i still seem to really need it.
This week, I will focus on pleasing: my family
One new thing I will learn this week: how to do compensation planning
I am looking forward to: a quieter week
This week’s challenges: i am hoping it’s mostly going to not be challenging this week.
Top Goals:
Work: stay on top of email. clean up calendar aggressively. finish perf. make 6-mo plan. come up with team plan.
Personal: daily drawing, exercise, journal, make time to sleep. come up with a whitney plan. restart meal plan. make 2020 plan.
Family: family photos, hug kids. date night with jake. hike.
I will focus on my values:
Love: love my family so much.
Learn: learn to remember what motivates me.
Peace: with things taking time.
Service: to myself.
Gratitude: for our lives.
This week, I want to remember: that i want the things that matter most to bubble up to the top always.
Everyday Magic is a year-long project for 2019. You can read more about my projects for 2019 here.
Weekly Intention: So with the exception of graceful transitions I didn’t do my two intentions of having conversations with my manager about the next six months and spending some serious time journaling and figuring out my plans for 2020. So those are still on deck. So is seriously cleaning out my calendar and becoming more intentional. I have a full week this week so if things don’t work out, i intend to be generous with myself, too.
This month’s intention is:Everyday Magic: October is a long month and not a lot of time off so you need to add a bit of magic to it. Add small bits of life and magic into your every day. Give this month the kick it needs to make it a notch more magical. I would like to think more about bringing magic to my clothes and making a magical moment every day!
One way I will show up this week: present.
One magic I will make this week: last week’s plans didn’t really work out. maybe this week i can walk daily?
This week, I will pay attention to: my team.
This week, I will be kinder to: myself. i seem to really need it.
This week, I will focus on pleasing: my team
One new thing I will learn this week: how the kids are doing
I am looking forward to: parent/teacher conferences
This week’s challenges: just a lot going on this week. long Monday.
Top Goals:
Work: yes to nbu email. stay on top of email. clean up calendar aggressively. finish perf. make 6-mo plan. team summit.
Personal: daily drawing, exercise, journal, make time to sleep. come up with a whitney plan. restart meal plan. make 2020 plan.
Family: family photos, hug kids. date night with jake. hike. conferences.
I will focus on my values:
Love: love that it’s getting closer to christmas.
Learn: learn to stop triggering so much. (this one bears repeating.)
Peace: with my life.
Service: to 2020.
Gratitude: for so much.
This week, I want to remember: that there’s unlimited time.
Everyday Magic is a year-long project for 2019. You can read more about my projects for 2019 here.
Weekly Intention: This week and next week are my final weeks managing a team that I’ve had on loan. My intention this week is to start gracefully transitioning to the new manager by closing out some of the final bits of work with the team. My other intention is to start having conversations with my manager about the next six months. And my personal intention is to spend some serious time journaling and figuring out my plans for 2020. Let’s get organized.
This month’s intention is:Everyday Magic: October is a long month and not a lot of time off so you need to add a bit of magic to it. Add small bits of life and magic into your every day. Give this month the kick it needs to make it a notch more magical. Ok here we go. Printing this week. Adding more flowers to work. Bringing magic to my clothes. Making a magical moment every day!
One way I will show up this week: calm.
One magic I will make this week: i will go back to exercising daily. I have plans.
This week, I will pay attention to: my feelings, my listening, and the way I show up.
This week, I will be kinder to: everyone, i will be calm and kind and try hard not to trigger.
This week, I will focus on pleasing: myself by making some plans.
One new thing I will learn this week: more about 9th grade
I am looking forward to: going to David’s school
This week’s challenges: Hmm it’s about 10 more days of a lot of meetings so I think that will be the most challenging part.
Top Goals:
Work: maybe nbu email. stay on top of email. clean up calendar aggressively. final perf. setup perf meetings. make 6-mo plan.
Personal: daily drawing, exercise, journal, make time to sleep. come up with a whitney plan. restart meal plan. make 2020 plan.
Family: family photos, hug kids. date night with jake. hike.
I will focus on my values:
Love: loving flowers and light and photos.
Learn: learn to stop triggering so much.
Peace: with however long things will take.
Service: to 2020.
Gratitude: for another week.
This week, I want to remember: that there’s unlimited time.
Everyday Magic is a year-long project for 2019. You can read more about my projects for 2019 here.
Weekly Intention: And here we go. This is the week we’ve been planning for, for the last few months. Leadership offsite. At the same time as this week, I also have a big presentation on Wednesday that I am really anxious about. My intention this week is to prepare all monday and then let go and just be present Tuesday and show up and do the best I can on Wednesday and then let go and be present again. I am going to breathe, do the best I can, and then let it go. Let’s hope this works.
This month’s intention is:Everyday Magic: October is a long month and not a lot of time off so you need to add a bit of magic to it. Add small bits of life and magic into your every day. Give this month the kick it needs to make it a notch more magical. I didn’t print things last weekend so maybe I can do it this weekend.
One way I will show up this week: present.
One magic I will make this week: i think i will try and see if i can do yoga to help me be present.
This week, I will pay attention to: how i show up
This week, I will be kinder to: myself.
This week, I will focus on pleasing: let’s go for this presentation.
One new thing I will learn this week: how to present?
I am looking forward to: this week being over
This week’s challenges: Wednesday is the biggest challenge so I will be grateful when we’re past it.
Top Goals: so many of these are the same
Work: nbu preso+email. stay on top of email. clean up calendar aggressively. getting offsite ready. final perf. setup perf meetings.
Personal: daily drawing, exercise, journal, make time to sleep. come up with a whitney plan. continue meal plan.
Family: family photos, hug kids. date night with jake. hike.
I will focus on my values:
Love: loving getting closer to christmas.
Learn: learn to forgive myself.
Peace: with this phase.
Service: to doing the best i can.
Gratitude: for the sunshine.
This week, I want to remember: that i can do this and it’s all going to be ok.
Everyday Magic is a year-long project for 2019. You can read more about my projects for 2019 here.
Weekly Intention: This week is going to be intense. I have promotion committee all of Monday. And the rest of the week will be full of presentations we have to prepare for two different summits next week. Kids are home Wednesday and I might be taking David to school on Friday night. So, all this means that I will do what matters most: exercise, eat well and sleep. That’s the plan.
This month’s intention is:Everyday Magic: October is a long month and not a lot of time off so you need to add a bit of magic to it. Add small bits of life and magic into your every day. Give this month the kick it needs to make it a notch more magical. Ok this week’s small bit of magic will be getting something for my office desk. or printing something for it.
One way I will show up this week: quiet.
One magic I will make this week: Maybe i can spend some time with a friend. i miss seeing friends.
This week, I will pay attention to: how i can be more curious and listen more.
This week, I will be kinder to: myself.
This week, I will focus on pleasing: it’s going to have to be work.
One new thing I will learn this week: i’m going to focus on learning how to be quieter.
I am looking forward to: reading some more this week if I can.
This week’s challenges: promo committee. all the meetings that are still to come. piling up email.
Top Goals:
Work: nbu preso. stay on top of email. clean up calendar aggressively. getting offsite ready. more perf. committee. setup perf meetings.
Personal: daily drawing, exercise, journal, make time to sleep. come up with a whitney plan. continue meal plan.
Family: family photos, hug kids. date night with jake. hair.
I will focus on my values:
Love: loving getting to snuggle under the covers and reading.
Learn: learn how to present slowly and well.
Peace: with going to bed early.
Service: to taking a breath, stepping back and staying focused.
Gratitude: for the wild.
This week, I want to remember: the going out is good for me. i love the fresh air.
Everyday Magic is a year-long project for 2019. You can read more about my projects for 2019 here.