How I got Stronger this week: And here we go, I have finished the last work week of the year. Since my back was hurt, I didn’t end up exercising at all. This might in fact be the longest I went in 2018 without exercise. But I still feel proud of my week. I worked, I made a few tangible differences this week at work and then I spent Thursday preparing more for the holidays and then my wonderful parents showed up. It was a lovely week.
Top Goals Review:
- Work: I had conversations around 2019 goals. Sadly first of many so there’s still more work to do here.
Personal: I did my december daily, I didn’t scrap more but I did rest and alas did no art. Family: I wrapped all the presents and finished buying everything, I also relaxed and hugged my kids and hugged Jake and hugged my parents. yay!
I celebrate: David’s culmination was wonderful and I celebrate all of his progress this year.
I am grateful for: some lovely quiet time that always comes at the end of the year. so grateful to get to have it.
Karen’s Points: nothing this week.
A Change I embraced: my family is here and i am embracing it fully.
I let go of: assuming it’s all going to go according to my plans 🙂
Core Desired Feelings Check-in:
- Fresh: some down time is refreshing.
- Magical: this time of year is magical everywhere
- Lighter: i feel lighter now that i have some downtime.
- True: i’m going to have to work hard aligning my boundaries these two weeks but I will do it.
Where I chose Joy: lots of little moments of joy this week.
I showed up for: my kids, my parents.
A Mistake I made this week:
What I tolerated this week: a lot of pain.
My mood this week was: in pain.
I forgive myself for: being who i am and needing as much downtime as i do.
What I love right now: twinkle lights, downtime, time with family, love.
Weekly Reflection is a year-long project for 2018. You can read more about my projects for 2018 here.
How I got Stronger this week: Well this week turned out to be trickier than I’d hoped. I enjoyed most of my day off on Monday and then was quite productive Tuesday until I threw out my back on Wednesday morning. The rest of the week was reasonably productive but also reasonably painful. I am confident that without all the work I’ve done to get stronger this year, this episode would have been much worse but I am still in quite a bit of pain and would have preferred not to have this happen.
Top Goals Review:
- Work: I have spent some time thinking about what’s next and talked to a few people but I didn’t document my thoughts yet. I have talked to my manager and I’d say it went well so far.
- Personal: I am pretty good on solidifying 2019 plans, I’ve been keeping up with my december daily but I haven’t scrapped more, I did also write up year end posts yay!
- Family: I did not at all work on applications with david because he had a lot of homework, Nathaniel and I did math, but David and I didn’t do any physics, I did buy more christmas presents and we saw several movies!
I celebrate: delivering a personal and touching present to my team.
I am grateful for: my manager and his ability to receive my feedback and hear me when I need to be heard.
Karen’s Points: this week was one yoga and then half a body pump until I hurt myself.
A Change I embraced: well i’m going to say my back was definitely that change this week.
I let go of: trying to get anything done once I hurt myself.
Core Desired Feelings Check-in:
- Fresh: taking monday off was refreshing and lovely.
- Magical: the way the team received my present was magical.
- Lighter: i feel lighter each day now.
- True: it’s been hard to deal with all that i have going on in my head but I am working on it.
Where I chose Joy: taking Monday off.
I showed up for: my colleagues.
A Mistake I made this week: a few times, i think my energy is too much. so i need to learn how to taper it.
What I tolerated this week: a lot of pain.
My mood this week was: in pain.
I forgive myself for: bending down the wrong way and starting this spiral of pain.
What I love right now: that i have days left before i see my family, days left before I get some serious time off.
Weekly Reflection is a year-long project for 2018. You can read more about my projects for 2018 here.

How I got Stronger this week: This was an insane week. I had summits three days out of the four I was at work. It was months of works with many people and I am super grateful it’s now over. I think it went well but we will find out as the feedback trickles in. I then took Friday off and met with a friend and went to the movies with Jake and chatted with my mom and had dinner with another friend. I am proud of how hard I worked and then proud of how I took Friday off to take care of myself. I only managed to exercise twice this week but it was still better than nothing.
Top Goals Review:
- Work: summit over. time to really start thinking about 2019!
- Personal: starting to make 2019 plans, journaled very little, exercised also very little, scrapped for December Daily.
- Family: did not work on applications with david but made a plan, rested and hugged, did both math and physics, bought some christmas presents but need to buy many more.
I celebrate: david’s excellent scores at his ssat test. he showed up for it and the results show that. i am so incredibly proud of him and how hard he works.
I am grateful for: inishing the summit. it was a lot of work and i ended up having a lot of last minute changes etc. so i am just grateful it came together. also super grateful to get to go to the movies with Jake. we watched Bohemian Rhapsody and I loved every single moment of it.
Karen’s Points: this week was also one body pump and one yoga.
A Change I embraced: both of my core helps for the summit ended up being ooo so i adapted and worked with it.
I let go of: trying to please everyone.
Core Desired Feelings Check-in:
- Fresh: still trying to understand what i want from my life and my work for 2019.
- Magical: the movie and being with jake in the middle of a day was magical.
- Lighter: i feel lighter now that the summit is over and I can transition to holiday time.
- True: i miss my family so much.
Where I chose Joy: taking friday off, going to the movies, chatting with my mom
I showed up for: work this week and david when he needed a day off.
A Mistake I made this week: i got a really negative feedback from one of the people at work, instead of sitting with how it crushed me, i reached out to the person and tried to engage in a conversation to understand better. it didn’t get to 100% of what I wanted of course but we got a lot closer and i was able to shift my pain a little, i am grateful for that.
What I tolerated this week: a lot of long hours at work
My mood this week was: tired.
I forgive myself for: not being able to meet everyone’s needs and not being everyone’s cup of tea.
What I love right now: all the journaling, thinking, intentionality that comes during this time of year is my favorite.
Weekly Reflection is a year-long project for 2018. You can read more about my projects for 2018 here.Weekly Reflection 2018 – 44

How I got Stronger this week: I worked super hard early this week. I worked from home Wednesday-Friday. I drove David in pouring rain to a high school shadow. I spent Friday with a good friend. I did many things this week. I worked hard. I spent time with people I love. I supported people I love. I exercised the two days I was at work and just took my own time on the other days. I lost my grandmother on Friday and I loved her so so so much that I can’t even put into words. This is when it’s hardest to be away from the people you love. I’ve been doing so much work on myself lately, shifting my perspective.
Top Goals Review:
- Work: I finalized december summit mostly, i spent only a tiny amount of time thinking about what’s next, i didn’t document my thoughts.
- Personal: I made some more 2019 plans, exercised a bit and started December daily.
- Family: I did help david with ml + physics and ssats, and I did math with nathaniel, and went to the holiday party with jake. yay!
I celebrate: some time with good friends this week
I am grateful for: all I was able to do this week.
Karen’s Points: this week was only one body pump and one yoga.
A Change I embraced: working from home and all the rain.
I let go of: i chose not to go home for my grandmother’s funeral. it’s a long story but i am making my peace with it.
Core Desired Feelings Check-in:
- Fresh: I am learning to change my perspective of how 2018 went and what i want for myself in 2019
- Magical: friday with my two friends was magical and so was the holiday party.
- Lighter: i feel lighter now that more of the summit is ready.
- True: i miss my family so much.
Where I chose Joy: going to the holiday party with jake.
I showed up for: jake this week while he was out of town.
A Mistake I made this week: i missed the visitor parking at the school david and i visited and this one woman was super nice to me and helped me drive all the way around back to the spot, she went out of her way and i was so so grateful
What I tolerated this week: so much pain. i also found out that a good college friend, Pat, also passed away this week. He was 45 and had a one year old baby. He was a wonderful person who always made me smile and was so kind and generous and the world is a bit dimmer without him.
My mood this week was: sad.
I forgive myself for: not going.
What I love right now: i am so grateful for the holiday season.
Weekly Reflection is a year-long project for 2018. You can read more about my projects for 2018 here.Weekly Reflection 2018 – 44

How I got Stronger this week: This was a very short week in that I only went to work Monday and Tuesday. I worked out both days even though I was tired and worn out. I’ve been enjoying the Yoga alongside the Body Pump. It makes me very sore which means it’s working out different muscles. I took Wednesday off so I could go support Nathaniel fully since he wanted us to go to Grandparents and special friends day at his school. I rested a lot and took time for myself. I also spent a lot of time helping both kids.
Top Goals Review:
- Work: the december summit is getting there, almost final but still not as much as i wish it were, i haven’t spent enough time thinking about what’s next or documenting my thoughts.
- Personal: i took a little alone/journaling time and made a few 2019 plans. I didn’t exercise when I am home.
- Family: I did a lot of hugging and helping david and Nathaniel.
I celebrate: having a little bit of downtime.
I am grateful for: the downtime, it’s been much needed.
Karen’s Points: this week was only one body pump and one yoga.
A Change I embraced: a five day weekend is magical. and quite the change.
I let go of: having everything go the way i want it to and tried to be a bit more present with people i love.
Core Desired Feelings Check-in:
- Fresh: I am learning to let go and have faith that things will come together.
- Magical: many days in a row of not fully focusing on work is great for me.
- Lighter: i feel lighter now that jetlag has dissipated a bit.
- True: the journaling really helps. the downtime really helps. it all helps.
Where I chose Joy: going to the movies with the kids was super fun.
I showed up for: my kids.
A Mistake I made this week: i got all worried about others changing things up but then i reminded myself that it really doesn’t matter.
What I tolerated this week: lack of patience.
My mood this week was: slower.
I forgive myself for: being who i am and getting caught up in things that don’t matter.
What I love right now: this long weekend.
Weekly Reflection is a year-long project for 2018. You can read more about my projects for 2018 here.Weekly Reflection 2018 – 44

How I got Stronger this week: I am very proud of myself this week. I was in Zurich all week and I’ve been to this particular hotel 5+ times before and even though they are famous for having a roof pool, I had never been because I am uncomfortable wearing a bathing suit. But this time I was determined to go. And I did. In fact, I went three mornings out of four that I was there. This is major progress for me. I also did pilates all three times. I feel good about my progress this week.
Top Goals Review:
- Work: i worked a lot on the december summit, thought a tiny bit about what’s next, did not document my thoughts. but absolutely did connect with the folk in Zurich.
- Personal: i did pilates when i was there but i didn’t journal or make 2019 plans at all.
- Family: i managed to chat with my loves daily.
I celebrate: being brave this week.
I am grateful for: tuesday morning, i got to see the sun rise from the thermal bath on the roof, it was magnificent.
Karen’s Points: i did pilates 3 times this week and that ended up being all my exercise.
A Change I embraced: being in zurich all week was quite the change.
I let go of: several hang ups this week, i am grateful because it felt like so much progress.
Core Desired Feelings Check-in:
- Fresh: i learned a lot about what everyone’s doing in Zurich this week.
- Magical: my christmas tree and the sun rise were my top magical moments this week.
- Lighter: i feel lighter now that i’ve been to zurich and back.
- True: i could really use some down time. I am looking forward to the holidays.
Where I chose Joy: early mornings in the pool, and time with workmates.
I showed up for: the Zurich team this week.
A Mistake I made this week: hmm i am sure i made several but nothing is coming to mind at the moment.
What I tolerated this week: a lot of jetlag.
My mood this week was: grateful.
I forgive myself for: not getting enough done.
What I love right now: christmas lights and our tree.
Weekly Reflection is a year-long project for 2018. You can read more about my projects for 2018 here.Weekly Reflection 2018 – 44

How I got Stronger this week: Another not bad week. I did reasonably okay with all of my goals this week. Not perfect, never perfect but I spent quality time working on things. I also picked my word for next year and I am really happy with it. That was a lot of work but now I am more clear in what I want from 2019 and the perspective I want to take which will also hopefully help inform some of the projects I want to sign up for in my life.
Top Goals Review:
- Work: worked on the december summit, haven’t been thinking about what’s next, and not really documenting my thoughts.
- Personal: exercised a bunch and still need to make more 2019 plans that’s all we’re going to put down this week!
- Family: I spent a lot of time with my people, saying good things to all of them. I will miss them so.
I celebrate: taking some time for myself. i took friday off and went shopping and relaxing.
I am grateful for: a day off. some fun new items. my loving husband. my loving mom. my wonderful sister. my kids.
Karen’s Points: i did two body pumps and two yogas this week. i did a plain yoga and then a flow class. i drove to a far away campus to do it and i am proud i did.
A Change I embraced: hmmm not much think week i think.
I let go of: getting anything done on my day off. i just gave myself the day off.
Core Desired Feelings Check-in:
- Fresh: i learned a tiny bit more science this week.
- Magical: i took out my xmas tree this week. i am getting excited!
- Lighter: picking my word has been a major relief. i feel lighter.
- True: i don’t like to travel away from my family but i do like quiet time on the plane and being able to focus on work 100% so those are the upsides.
Where I chose Joy: i’ve continued to drive home earlier and take meetings from home. i bought some make up for myself.
I showed up for: myself this week! 🙂
A Mistake I made this week: i spoke thoughtlessly and apologized profusely.
What I tolerated this week: pain of hurting someone i love.
My mood this week was: sad, relieved, tired, content, grateful.
I forgive myself for: messing up.
What I love right now: that the holiday season is coming up. that the mornings are lighter now.
Weekly Reflection is a year-long project for 2018. You can read more about my projects for 2018 here.Weekly Reflection 2018 – 44

How I got Stronger this week: I’d say this week was a net net good week. Overall, I only exercised three times and I wouldn’t say I ate the healthiest of meals but I also did much better than the last few weeks and feel things are getting closer to where I want them to be. I feel like this word is morphing into something else a little bit for me, something around defining strong differently but I don’t have it nailed yet so I don’t know how to put it into words yet.
Top Goals Review:
- Work: i worked on the december summit and nailed down a workshop so I feel good about that, i also documented the planning thoughts and it was well worth it, i didn’t do the work around documenting my thoughts maybe that I can do next weekend when I am at the airport.
- Personal: I slept reasonably well this week. I ate soso, i didn’t journal or draw at all and I still want to make more plans for 2019. I did exercise.
- Family: I am working on figuring out a routine for David, I’ve done lots of math with Nathaniel, I only cooked for Jake once :/.
I celebrate: a solid performance cycle for me.
I am grateful for: my kids. we had parent teacher conferences this week and i am so grateful that both my kids are very engaged learners. it’s such a joy to sit through conferences.
Karen’s Points: i did a body pump class on monday, i did yoga on tuesday and it made me so so sore that on wednesday i decided to walk 20 minutes uphill because I was just sore all over. Thursday and Friday didn’t work out but I now know that I will re-add Yoga into the mix more aggressively.
A Change I embraced: the soreness from yoga maybe?
I let go of: i am learning to let go of so many things. especially my own stories.
Core Desired Feelings Check-in:
- Fresh: some new perspectives and todos at work this week.
- Magical: sitting in parent-teacher conferences was magical.
- Lighter: work is feeling a bit lighter which feels nice to me but also makes me anxious at times of course.
- True: i am trying to learn what it means to be true to me.
Where I chose Joy: i spent more time at home this week and some time with jake that was pure joy
I showed up for: my kids.
A Mistake I made this week: i reacted. i don’t like to react.
What I tolerated this week: some of what’s going on at work. i walked out of course but i want to do so much more.
My mood this week was: angry and disappointed.
I forgive myself for: still craving so much bread and cheese.
What I love right now: we are going into what i call the quieter period of the year and I usually use this time to deeply unwind and think about my life, goals for next year etc. so I am really looking forward to that.
Weekly Reflection is a year-long project for 2018. You can read more about my projects for 2018 here.

How I got Stronger this week: Oh man. I got sick this week. I started the week so so and then just went downhill. I was shivering all day Wednesday and decided to stay home Thursday and half of Friday. I got stronger by drawing some good boundaries but I also didn’t do any tangible progress towards many of my goals.
Top Goals Review:
- Work: i made a lot of progress on the december summit, and this wednesday’s speech is done, i haven’t begun documenting my thoughts, however.
- Personal: i am going to have to repea again since i failed miserably last week with the exception of 2019 plans: get back to routine, journal, draw, eat well, exercise and sleep, make 2019 plans
- Family: I spent time with David, cook for Jake only once. and I did spent more time with Nathaniel.
I celebrate: making it through this week. taking the time i needed to rest at home.
I am grateful for: feeling like i have my head around the december event a bit more.
Karen’s Points: i only exercised once this week and that was tuesday morning running briefly. it was likely my worst week in a while.
A Change I embraced: being sick is at the top of this list.
I let go of: trying to get things done while i was sick. I used the time well in other ways.
Core Desired Feelings Check-in:
- Fresh: a lot of new learnings for work this week.
- Magical: not feeling a lot of magic lately.
- Lighter: lighter with some of the speeches done.
- True: the truth is i need to re-center myself still. getting sick didn’t help. i also feel overwhelmed still so I need to work on that.
Where I chose Joy: Despite feeling sick Wednesday’s offsite was fun
I showed up for: myself.
A Mistake I made this week: i do things too quickly. i want to slow down.
What I tolerated this week: being sick.
My mood this week was: still not on.
I forgive myself for: eating poorly, not exercising, and just feeling off.
What I love right now: sitting on my couch with blankets and drinking tea.
Weekly Reflection is a year-long project for 2018. You can read more about my projects for 2018 here.

How I got Stronger this week: I am still in a funk. I know it’s been months, weeks, I don’t even know. I feel like much of 2018 has been a struggle amidst lots of good things. Here’s what I did this week: I stood for what I believed. I took a chance and a risk. I was vulnerable. I told my truth. I stood up for others. I exercised twice. I ate poorly. I showed up and I took what I needed when I needed. I am trying to give myself grace. Some days it’s harder than others but I keep trying and I guess that’s how I get stronger.
Top Goals Review:
- Work: made progress on december summit, done with wednesday’s speech, barely worked on year end goals.
- Personal: did not get back to routine, and did not really do any of these: journal, draw, eat well, exercise and sleep
- Family: made a little bit of a plan for each kid but didn’t implement it. cooked only once.
I celebrate: hmm let’s go with i celebrate good books this week.
I am grateful for: being able to tell my truth, not everyone is open to receiving that and i am very lucky.
Karen’s Points: this week was also unusual and i ended up with two body pump classes.
A Change I embraced: trying to embrace my blonder hair. Some days i really like it, others i miss my dark hair a lot.
I let go of: feeling better. i’ve been letting myself feel out of sorts.
Core Desired Feelings Check-in:
- Fresh: i’ve been working from home a bit lately and i love it. i missed it.
- Magical: doing math with nathaniel is my happy place.
- Lighter: a few big things are off my plate so that makes me feel better.
- True: i need to make a plan for myself. i am feeling out of sorts and not sure how to re-anchor myself. i need to readjust.
Where I chose Joy: i spent more time with Nathaniel this week.
I showed up for: david at school this week.
A Mistake I made this week: i have been giving feedback, listening and being honest. i am happy about doing that but maybe i need to also be a bit more careful + thoughtful.
What I tolerated this week: still down, frustrated, sad, worn out, and just overall not my best self.
My mood this week was: off.
I forgive myself for: eating poorly, not wanting to make an effort.
What I love right now: a little bit of quiet.
Weekly Reflection is a year-long project for 2018. You can read more about my projects for 2018 here.

How I got Stronger this week: I want to be honest, this was a tough week for me. There has been many tough periods this year and I appear to be in the middle of another one. I feel like I am balancing too many things and they are all falling apart. At least I feel like they are falling apart. Each individual thing is small and possibly inconsequential but when I add it all together it feels like an avalanche and I just can’t breathe. I am not exactly sure how to find my way out at the moment. But I haven’t given up yet. I am trying. And I guess that’s going to have to do for this week.
Top Goals Review:
- Work: i did get started on other things, and worked on the december summit a little bit.
- Personal: i can’t really say that i got back to routine, i journaled only once, didn’t draw, ate i’d say mediocre at best and likely just not well, i exercised but not enough and i slept so so
- Family: i spent a teeny tiny amount of time with david on his project, and did not find a volunteer opportunity for David yet but i did hug them a bunch. though not enough. never enough.
I celebrate: making it through this week.
I am grateful for: my husband who showers me with kindness more often than i deserve.
Karen’s Points: this week i had a bunch of morning commitments so all I got in was one body pump and one 1.5 mile run.
A Change I embraced: I rested a lot this week, I needed it even though I had a lot of work.
I let go of: so much this week. i just couldn’t work crazy hours after last week. so i paced myself.
Core Desired Feelings Check-in:
- Fresh: i got to meet with an old friend and it was lovely.
- Magical: getting to work from home both monday and friday was awesome.
- Lighter: i don’t feel light right now. so much so that i feel like i have to pick light as my word next year.
- True: i am working so hard at getting better.
Where I chose Joy: i worked at home when i needed it.
I showed up for: nathaniel at school this week.
A Mistake I made this week: i have been dropping the ball a lot but i am trying to catch up.
What I tolerated this week: just overall feeling of being down.
My mood this week was: exhausted. dejected and just worn out.
I forgive myself for: being where i am. this is how i feel right now.
What I love right now: my husband. the good weather. kindness of everyone.
Weekly Reflection is a year-long project for 2018. You can read more about my projects for 2018 here.

How I got Stronger this week: This might have been one of the longest weeks I’ve had this whole year. I was long and draining and I am grateful that work went well but I am exhausted both physically and emotionally. Saturday’s news just drained the very last bits I had in me and I’ve been in self care mood ever since. I wasn’t even sure I was going to write here today but this space is my little grounding space. So I come, I write, so I can remember. This was a tough week and may we never forget what’s possible and how much progress there still is to make.
Top Goals Review:
- Personal: i got a mediocre amount of sleep, a lot of nightmares this week.
- Family: i loved my people so much.
- Work: i was all in all the way
I celebrate: the offsite being over and that it went well.
I am grateful for: being at home and getting to rest a bit.
Karen’s Points: just one body pump this week.
A Change I embraced: oh jeez. all of this week. was intense. i embraced it.
I let go of: trying to get anything done besides the offsite. it can all wait.
Core Desired Feelings Check-in:
- Fresh: doing this offsite for the first time.
- Magical: being in carmel was magical and lovely.
- Lighter: i feel lighter now that it’s over.
- True: i am still really tired and worn out. and will take some time to recover.
Where I chose Joy: i stayed, i showed up, i participated.
I showed up for: work mostly.
A Mistake I made this week: i made many little ones.
What I tolerated this week: exhaustion. mental and emotional (and physical.) yet again.
My mood this week was: execution-focused and then very sad on saturday.
I forgive myself for: being sad.
What I love right now: i am looking forward to what I hope will be a quieter October.
Weekly Reflection is a year-long project for 2018. You can read more about my projects for 2018 here.
projects for twenty twenty-five
projects for twenty twenty-four
projects for twenty twenty-three
projects for twenty twenty-two
projects for twenty twenty-one
projects for twenty nineteen
projects for twenty eighteen
projects from twenty seventeen
monthly projects from previous years
some of my previous projects