Weekly Intention: And here we are on the last week of 2018. May it be a wonderful week and may 2019 bring joy, wisdom, celebrations and a lot of magic. My intention this week is to be as present as I can. To take the time I need to be my best self and to really appreciate the depth and the breadth of my life.
This month’s intention is: Rest Stronger: And finally here we are. You’ve worked hard all year and gave it your all. Time to rest. You pushed yourself to get stronger and now you need to rest so you can be ready for 2019. Here’s to resting for a whole week!
One way I will stretch this week: having lots of family will both fill me with joy and stretch me.
One boundary I will set this week: taking the time i need. and i will need some.
This week, I will focus on pleasing: as many people as possible.
One new thing I will learn this week: hmmm maybe how to balance it all?
One area where I will go deeper this week: really relishing in the joy of my family.
What do I need to sit with this week? how to balance what i need and what i want.
I am looking forward to: christmas day.
This week’s challenges: just the balance.
Top Goals: no goals this week. just enjoy myself.
I will focus on my values:
- Love: love love love my people.
- Learn: to balance.
- Peace: peace with what is.
- Service: to my soul.
- Gratitude: for togetherness.
This week, I want to remember: that it’s magical to get to be together.
Stronger Than Before is a year-long project for 2018. You can read more about my projects for 2018 here.
Weekly Intention: This is the week I officially start my 2018 wind down and I am so ready. I plan to go to work Monday and Tuesday and some of Wednesday. David has a school event on Monday and then my parents arrive Thursday evening. My intention for early in the week is to be productive and closeout some of the topics that have been open and dragging along, make some decisions to help setup 2019 and then take off. My intention for later in the week is to start the relaxation process.
This month’s intention is: Rest Stronger: And finally here we are. You’ve worked hard all year and gave it your all. Time to rest. You pushed yourself to get stronger and now you need to rest so you can be ready for 2019. Well as if I needed another reminder, my back is forcing me to rest.
One way I will stretch this week: i am trying to take risks, ask for what i want and put myself out there.
One boundary I will set this week: not working once i am not working! 🙂
This week, I will focus on pleasing: Jake and David and Nathaniel.
One new thing I will learn this week: plans for 2019 for work.
One area where I will go deeper this week: i did a lot of work on 2019 last weekend so maybe i can be more intentional and specific about the art portion this week.
What do I need to sit with this week? how to set myself up for success and relaxation for the holidays.
I am looking forward to: taking some time off.
This week’s challenges: Monday will be a bit challenging but that’s ok.
Top Goals:
- Work: have conversations around 2019 goals.
- Personal: do december daily, scrap more if i can, rest, maybe do some art?
- Family: wrap presents, finish buying everything, relax and hug my kids and hug Jake and hug my parents
I will focus on my values:
- Love: start making plans for loving self goals. (since i didn’t do this last week)
- Learn: pick one class.
- Peace: peace with the pain
- Service: to my body.
- Gratitude: for getting to be together for the first time in over 20 years.
This week, I want to remember: that it’s ok to rest and that i will recover.
Stronger Than Before is a year-long project for 2018. You can read more about my projects for 2018 here.

Weekly Intention: Week 50 if 52. I feel like this year was both so very long and so very short. That’s the case for all the years now as David likes to remind me how as I get older the years get shorter for me. This week, I plan to take Monday off and then work my way slowly through the rest of the week, planning for 2019, catching up to everything I dropped on the floor in the last few weeks and finally finish all the holiday shopping especially for my kids. But the main intention for the week is to slow down. I want to tap into that part of me that only wakes up when I slow way way way down.
This month’s intention is: Rest Stronger: And finally here we are. You’ve worked hard all year and gave it your all. Time to rest. You pushed yourself to get stronger and now you need to rest so you can be ready for 2019. Oh yes, time to rest.
One way I will stretch this week: I am going to be having some hard conversations with my manager and I think they will stretch me for sure.
One boundary I will set this week: not working Monday and working from home on Friday.
This week, I will focus on pleasing: myself by taking the time to really focus on what I want for 2019.
One new thing I will learn this week: my intentions and my goals as i make a list to go over them
One area where I will go deeper this week: I know I said this last week but let’s see if i can do it this week: actually thinking about 2019.
What do I need to sit with this week? how i receive feedback, what i want to change, what i want to keep the same.
I am looking forward to: taking some time off, i am already taking today off but i also have a lot more time off coming down the pipe.
This week’s challenges: having hard conversations
Top Goals:
- Work: think about what’s next, document my thoughts, talk to manager.
- Personal: solidify 2019 plans, do december daily, scrap more if i can, rest, write up year end posts
- Family: work on applications with david, math, physics, buy more christmas presents. see more movies!
I will focus on my values:
- Love: start making plans for loving self goals. (since i didn’t do this last week)
- Learn: see if i want to take more/other classes.
- Peace: peace with feedback
- Service: to self, family, 2019.
- Gratitude: for getting to start a fresh new year
This week, I want to remember: that the outliers aren’t the story. that i want to focus on looking for the right more than looking for the wrong.
Stronger Than Before is a year-long project for 2018. You can read more about my projects for 2018 here.

Weekly Intention: And here we go. The summit week I’ve been planning up to for months. This week is pretty much eaten by the summit. I plan to make sure I take Friday off so I can relax a little.My intention this week is to really enjoy all the moments of the culmination of the work I’ve done for weeks. I will be with my people, I will hug them and I will love the life I have.
This month’s intention is: Rest Stronger: And finally here we are. You’ve worked hard all year and gave it your all. Time to rest. You pushed yourself to get stronger and now you need to rest so you can be ready for 2019. Oh yes, time to rest.
One way I will stretch this week: The summit will stretch me all the way. Especially all the socializing and long days.
One boundary I will set this week: not working long on Monday and Friday.
This week, I will focus on pleasing: all the product managers.
One new thing I will learn this week: hopefully a lot of things from the summit.
One area where I will go deeper this week: actually thinking about 2019.
What do I need to sit with this week? my feelings about my grandmother.
I am looking forward to: seeing the culmination of the work I’ve been doing.
This week’s challenges: the summit going smoothly
Top Goals:
- Work: execute december summit, think more about what’s next, document my thoughts if i can find the time.
- Personal: same: make 2019 plans, journal, exercise, scrap.
- Family: work on applications with david, rest, hug, math, physics, buy christmas presents.
I will focus on my values:
- Love: start making plans for loving self goals.
- Learn: make plans for personal classes.
- Peace: peace with how i feel
- Service: to the summits.
- Gratitude: for hopefully getting to see my family soon
This week, I want to remember: that all of our days are gifts and we have to make the most of them
Stronger Than Before is a year-long project for 2018. You can read more about my projects for 2018 here.

Weekly Intention: This is the last week before the big summit I’ve been planning for a few months and it’s going to be time to make sure everything comes together so that’s going to be my first and foremost intention. Jake’s going to be out of town the latter part of this week so I am going to focus on coming home early and being there for the kids. I will be accompanying David to a high school on Thursday. I am also intending to take Friday off and spend it with my friend whose birthday was yesterday. And then we cap the week with the work Holiday party on Friday party. And then the weekend is full of birthday parties, tech challenge meetings and the SSATs. So it’s a full week and much has to get done but I am going to walk into it with wonderful intentions of calm and productivity.
This month’s intention is: Stronger Together: Time to enjoy the company of others. Go out and socialize. Appreciate the community you have. Spend time with your family. Bask in the joy of friendships+community+family. What’s one thing you can do to appreciate your people? I am going to appreciate all of my people this week!
One way I will stretch this week: i will see if I can get a tremendous amount of work done M-W so I can work remotely on Thursday and Friday and do some of the writing i’ve been meaning to do.
One boundary I will set this week: leaving early so I can do pickup.
This week, I will focus on pleasing: my husband, my kids, my friend kelly, and all the product managers.
One new thing I will learn this week: some specific classes I can take
One area where I will go deeper this week: still hoping to do the planning for next year. what i want to spend my time on.
What do I need to sit with this week? planning for 2019.
I am looking forward to: time with my friend Kelly and the holiday party.
This week’s challenges: completely wrapping up the summit
Top Goals:
- Work: finalize december summit, thinking about what’s next, documenting my thoughts if i can find the time.
- Personal: make 2019 plans, journal, exercise, scrap.
- Family: david with ml + physics and ssats, nathaniel with math (and maybe restart the coding?), holiday party with jake. yay!
I will focus on my values:
- Love: start making plans for loving self goals.
- Learn: learn about some classes i can take.
- Peace: peace with what is as we walk into december
- Service: to work.
- Gratitude: for my incredible life. work, friends, love, health. so lucky.
This week, I want to remember: how grateful i am for my life and how i get to design my life. all of it.
Stronger Than Before is a year-long project for 2018. You can read more about my projects for 2018 here.

Weekly Intention: I can’t believe we’re down to 5 weeks left of this year. I am both ready and not at all ready for 2019. I am so ready for some downtime which I hope will come this week. I have a lot of work Monday and Tuesday but I go to the kids’ school on Wednesday and we all have the rest of the week off. My intention this week is to make sure I get a good amount of work done the two days so I can take some real downtime over the other 5 days. I need it and want it. When I go back the following week, I will be getting ready for my summit so I know it will be intense. My intention this week is to be present at work and to be present at home.
This month’s intention is: Stronger Together: Time to enjoy the company of others. Go out and socialize. Appreciate the community you have. Spend time with your family. Bask in the joy of friendships+community+family. What’s one thing you can do to appreciate your people? I am looking forward to Wednesday when I get to spend a lovely time at the kids’ school.
One way I will stretch this week: i will try to write down some of what i intended to.
One boundary I will set this week: not working the 5 days i am off work.
This week, I will focus on pleasing: my boys and me.
One new thing I will learn this week: maybe i can help david with is ml
One area where I will go deeper this week: planning for next year. what i want to spend my time on.
What do I need to sit with this week? reflecting on this year a bit and planning for 2019.
I am looking forward to: some down time.
This week’s challenges: just getting a lot done in the two days I have at work.
Top Goals:
- Work: start finalizing the december summit, thinking about what’s next, documenting my thoughts if i can find the time.
- Personal: i want to well with my alone/journaling time and make 2019 plans. exercise even when I am home.
- Family: just lots of hugging and helping david if he’ll let me. and math with N.
I will focus on my values:
- Love: a lot lot lot of love to my folk.
- Learn: learn what will make me come alive next year.
- Peace: peace during downtime.
- Service: to the boys at school.
- Gratitude: for downtime :).
This week, I want to remember: that things always come together and I will be okay.
Stronger Than Before is a year-long project for 2018. You can read more about my projects for 2018 here.

Weekly Intention: I am going to Zurich this week. It’s been a few years since I’ve been there and many of the people I used to work with aren’t even there anymore. But I am looking forward to the trip, i am looking forward to speaking with the folk there, to getting a bit of quiet time on the plane. My intention is to be really present, to listen well and as always make sure the trip was totally worth it. That’s always my goal when I have to/choose to travel for work.
This month’s intention is: Stronger Together: Time to enjoy the company of others. Go out and socialize. Appreciate the community you have. Spend time with your family. Bask in the joy of friendships+community+family. What’s one thing you can do to appreciate your people? Well I guess I’ll be socializing a lot in Zurich.
One way I will stretch this week: i am going to try to really listen a lot.
One boundary I will set this week: making sure i take alone time and don’t just work the whole time.
This week, I will focus on pleasing: the folk in zurich. I want them to feel heard.
One new thing I will learn this week: how things are going
One area where I will go deeper this week: i like what i wrote last time but didn’t do: i will think about some of the shifts i want to make in my life for 2019. my thinking, my routines, my appearance :).
What do I need to sit with this week? i want to spend time with where i want my life to go, what i like, what i like less, what makes me happy etc.
I am looking forward to: my trip and also coming back home 🙂
This week’s challenges: just the travel and jetlag and being with people i don’t know well i guess, too.
Top Goals:
- Work: i still want to do: december summit, thinking about what’s next, documenting my thoughts. but also connecting with the folk in Zurich, too.
- Personal: i plan to do pilates when i am there. i want to well with my alone/journaling time and make 2019 plans.
- Family: i want to see if i can chat with my loves daily.
I will focus on my values:
- Love: maybe this week is a good week for self-love and appreciation.
- Learn: learn what i can do to help my sister.
- Peace: peace with where i am.
- Service: to folks in zurich.
- Gratitude: for getting to travel to lovely destinations.
This week, I want to remember: how magical my life is.
Stronger Than Before is a year-long project for 2018. You can read more about my projects for 2018 here.

Weekly Intention: This week looks reasonably ordinary so I want to take advantage of that and do some exercise especially because I’m traveling the following week. While in Zurich, I hope to do both cardio and some pilates/yoga/weights so I think getting into the groove this week will help. I want to keep the week as low key as possible. i will hug my kids, i will rest when i am not working, i will read and sleep. maybe i can journal if i feel i am at a place to do it. but i am keeping the bar low this week.
This month’s intention is: Stronger Together: Time to enjoy the company of others. Go out and socialize. Appreciate the community you have. Spend time with your family. Bask in the joy of friendships+community+family. What’s one thing you can do to appreciate your people? Hmm this is interesting, especially both for how i am feeling lately (don’t want to socialize at all) and what i want to do next year for my word (will involve a lot more socializing.) I’m going to have to think about this one.
One way I will stretch this week: i am going to tell myself to slow down.
One boundary I will set this week: time with my kids. time with jake.
This week, I will focus on pleasing: the future karen. i will spend some time thinking about 2019.
One new thing I will learn this week: more physics probably 🙂
One area where I will go deeper this week: i will think about some of the shifts i want to make in my life for 2019. my thinking, my routines, my appearance :).
What do I need to sit with this week? how to understand what makes me come alive
I am looking forward to: my trip, it’s been a while since I was in Zurich
This week’s challenges: no glaring challenges this week, thankfully.
Top Goals:
- Work: december summit, thinking about what’s next, documenting my thoughts.
- Personal: exercise. and 2019 plans that’s all we’re going to put down this week!
- Family: just spend a lot of time with my people, saying good things to all of them
I will focus on my values:
- Love: i want to speak more kindly. i am going to repeat this one.
- Learn: learn what i want.
- Peace: peace with not having the answers.
- Service: to sitting with things.
- Gratitude: for my kids, and my husband. i am so lucky.
This week, I want to remember: that the days are long but the years are short and i want to use mine well.
Stronger Than Before is a year-long project for 2018. You can read more about my projects for 2018 here.

Weekly Intention: Ok this week I intend to do two very important things: 1. exercise again, no matter what it takes. 2. get my eating into a better place. better being defined by me as eating nutritious food. i know that when i exercise, eat well, journal, read and sleep, I am well. So I will do all of those things first this week. And then prioritize everything else. It’s going to happen. This is my biggest intention. I have no evening commitments this week (except halloween) and I have a mighty weekend next weekend, so I will make use of this week well. I will center myself as best as I can and make plans for the rest.
This month’s intention is: Stronger than Before: Here’s your chance to give it one last push before the year’s over. Where are you still wanting to be stronger? How can you help yourself get stronger than before? How can you take things one notch higher? One notch deeper? here’s to the last week of october, can i do one more push here?
One way I will stretch this week: i think exercising daily will be a stretch.
One boundary I will set this week: i will figure out a way to handle next weekend. I am stressed about it which is not a good idea.
This week, I will focus on pleasing: i am going to brainstorm a way to work better with David.
One new thing I will learn this week: I am still trying to find my word for 2019. I usually have a strong contender by now.
One area where I will go deeper this week: food.
What do I need to sit with this week? the direction i want my life to take. short, mid and long term.
I am looking forward to: getting into some kind of routine.
This week’s challenges: the weekend is the biggest challenge for me. i need to figure out a plan.
Top Goals:
- Work: december summit, documenting planning thoughts, documenting my thoughts.
- Personal: and still 🙁 : get back to routine, journal, draw, eat well, exercise and sleep, make 2019 plans
- Family: figure out a routine for David, math with Nathaniel, cook for Jake.
I will focus on my values:
- Love: i want to speak more kindly. much more.
- Learn: learn how to get back on track.
- Peace: peace with fact that i am not where i wish i were
- Service: to figuring things out.
- Gratitude: for my husband
This week, I want to remember: that being sick warps my perspective even more, so i will stay patient and wait till I feel better.
Stronger Than Before is a year-long project for 2018. You can read more about my projects for 2018 here.

Weekly Intention: This is another mixed week where I might work from home on Thursday and might be offsite all of Wednesday. Jake’s leaving town for the last part of the week. No school events this week except one day where I have late pickup. Otherwise, I am hoping for an uneventful week (hopefully.) My biggest intention this week is to give myself some grace and find some time to really journal so I can feel like I have a hold over my life, so I can feel grounded again, and so I can feel good about where I am and what I’m doing with my life. I am so grateful for my life but I am also feeling a little lost lately and I know journaling will help me with that.
This month’s intention is: Stronger than Before: Here’s your chance to give it one last push before the year’s over. Where are you still wanting to be stronger? How can you help yourself get stronger than before? How can you take things one notch higher? One notch deeper? OK so my plan here is to look back at the stuff I’d written in January of OLW and really figure out what I haven’t focused on so I can do more here. [ I still didn’t do this so I will keep it here for this week.]
One way I will stretch this week: i think i am going to try to sit with the discomfort this week and see what I can do there.
One boundary I will set this week: i will journal. i will take time alone.
This week, I will focus on pleasing: i want to spend a bit of time with david this week, making a plan, moving forward.
One new thing I will learn this week: i wrote this last week: what my priorities are for the rest of 2018, focus on a word for 2019 and personal goals for 2019 and I didn’t do it so i want to do this.
One area where I will go deeper this week: journaling, let’s do this.
What do I need to sit with this week? how i can get out of this space i am in and feel more on track.
I am looking forward to: taking some alone time to journal.
This week’s challenges: i am a bit unclear on Wednesday and having no Jake for four days will definitely be tough
Top Goals:
- Work: december summit, this wednesday’s speech, documenting my thoughts.
- Personal: i am going to have to repeat: get back to routine, journal, draw, eat well, exercise and sleep, make 2019 plans
- Family: spend time with David, cook for Jake. more time with Nathaniel.
I will focus on my values:
- Love: i want to spend time with my kids in a loving way.
- Learn: learn what i need right now. also how to define my job.
- Peace: peace with fact that this will take time
- Service: to myself again.
- Gratitude: for so much of my life that works.
This week, I want to remember: there’s an ebb and flow and it’s ok to embrace where i am now.
Stronger Than Before is a year-long project for 2018. You can read more about my projects for 2018 here.

Weekly Intention: This week is a mixed week. I have to work all Tuesday for an all-day meeting on Wednesday. I have to go to the high school on Monday night. I have a hair appointment on Thursday night and the kids have no school on Friday but David has a high school shadow. I also really want to knock off some of my todos this week. Personal ones. Things I’ve been dragging around for weeks. I have to make some serious forward momentum on some of my work too since I will be going to Zurich in a few weeks. So here’s my intention for this week: I will do as much as possible, i will give myself grace for the rest, i will make some plans for the next two months so I understand my priorities, and I will focus on what’s in front of me the most. I will be kind. Kind kind kind. This is what i really want more than anything else. I want to be kind to me, kind to the kids, kind to Jake, kind to colleagues, kind to every single person.
This month’s intention is: Stronger than Before: Here’s your chance to give it one last push before the year’s over. Where are you still wanting to be stronger? How can you help yourself get stronger than before? How can you take things one notch higher? One notch deeper? OK so my plan here is to look back at the stuff I’d written in January of OLW and really figure out what I haven’t focused on so I can do more here. [ I didn’t do this so I will keep it here for this week.]
One way I will stretch this week: the appeals committee work and the onboarding will both stretch me.
One boundary I will set this week: i will take all of Tuesday to read packets, i will make sure i can be at home reading.
This week, I will focus on pleasing: me still, i need it.
One new thing I will learn this week: what my priorities are for the rest of 2018, focus on a word for 2019 and personal goals for 2019.
One area where I will go deeper this week: december summit.
What do I need to sit with this week? how i’m feeling and why it’s so hard on me.
I am looking forward to: the kids coming home earlier now that cross country is over.
This week’s challenges: evening commitments are always hard for me. Getting back to exercising is also going to be hard. And finally the unpredictable Wednesday.
Top Goals:
- Work: december summit, wednesday’s speech, year end goals.
- Personal: get back to routine, journal, draw, eat well, exercise and sleep
- Family: make a plan for each kid. cook again.
I will focus on my values:
- Love: take stock, figure out what’s getting in the way, make a plan.
- Learn: learn what i am missing the most and how i can bring it back in.
- Peace: peace with how i’m feeling, accepting what is.
- Service: to myself still.
- Gratitude: for my wonderful husband.
This week, I want to remember: that things will get better. i can do this.
Stronger Than Before is a year-long project for 2018. You can read more about my projects for 2018 here.

Weekly Intention: This week is the week when I regroup and focus forward. The big event is now over and I can start planning and working on all the other things that are happening throughout the rest of this year. So my plan this week is to get organized, to rest a lot and then start taking some small steps. Pay attention to my kids again, to my own life again, to my sweet husband again. The goal this week is to work less and be home more.
This month’s intention is: Stronger than Before: Here’s your chance to give it one last push before the year’s over. Where are you still wanting to be stronger? How can you help yourself get stronger than before? How can you take things one notch higher? One notch deeper? OK so my plan here is to look back at the stuff I’d written in January of OLW and really figure out what I haven’t focused on so I can do more here.
One way I will stretch this week: I will focus on taking extra time at home.
One boundary I will set this week: i will work as little as possible and still be effective. i will leave work early almost daily.
This week, I will focus on pleasing: me.
One new thing I will learn this week: how to start pacing myself for the end of the year.
One area where I will go deeper this week: write the feedback form.
What do I need to sit with this week? how i’m feeling and how i want life to go.
I am looking forward to: some quieter weeks.
This week’s challenges: i have a bit of traveling around this week, to school and then to another office but i don’t expect any of it to be too stressful hopefully.
Top Goals:
- Work: get started on other things, and december summit.
- Personal: get back to routine, journal, draw, eat well, exercise and sleep
- Family: spend time with david on his project, find a volunteer opportunity and hug them all so so much.
I will focus on my values:
- Love: pause and love my life.
- Learn: how to get some balance again.
- Peace: peace with winter coming.
- Service: to myself this week.
- Gratitude: for my wonderful life.
This week, I want to remember: that there’s time, i will be okay.
Stronger Than Before is a year-long project for 2018. You can read more about my projects for 2018 here.
projects for twenty twenty-five
projects for twenty twenty-four
projects for twenty twenty-three
projects for twenty twenty-two
projects for twenty twenty-one
projects for twenty nineteen
projects for twenty eighteen
projects from twenty seventeen
monthly projects from previous years
some of my previous projects