I will admit that even though I’ve watched the Star Wars movies a whole bunch of times, I’ve never really understood them all that well (and didn’t watch them with as much focus as they require.) so when the new movie was out, I had no desire to see it. I was going to let Jake and the kids see it but David really wanted me to go with them. He said it’s better when we do it as a family.
So I went.
Before I went, he gave me a run down of all the previous movies and we even watched a YouTube movie recap of them all. Which was wonderful because I did understand so much more and I am glad I was there to experience it with the kids and Jake. The movie was good and it was also funny. I am glad to have one more wonderful memory with my boys.
Stories from 2017 is a year-long project for 2017. You can read more about my projects for 2017 here.

David’s school has culminations that happen at the end of each major unit. The 7th grade culmination this year was about the World’s Fair where each of this kids studied a commodity and then wrote an Activism related paper on it, found its Chemical compound and features, wrote a creative story around it and made a piece of art.
David’s commodity was gold. On culmination night, they also had to sit on an expert panel on their commodity and answer questions about it.

The 8th graders did country studies so I had to capture this one on Turkey.

It’s always special to be a part of these evenings and see all of his work come together so wonderfully.
Stories from 2017 is a year-long project for 2017. You can read more about my projects for 2017 here.

I know all the faces here are blurred except Nathaniel but I wanted to capture this story mostly for how wonderful it feels to see that Nathaniel’s already made some great friends at his new school. He was recently invited to a sleepover birthday party and even though he didn’t spend the night, he had an absolute blast. These photos make me so so happy and grateful.

Stories from 2017 is a year-long project for 2017. You can read more about my projects for 2017 here.

Winter here is Summer in Sydney. I love going to Sydney any time of the year because it’s pretty much lovely every time. This was no exception. I usually try to go to the beaches at least once and I was lucky to get to go to Bronte on Tuesday night. Other awesome things about Sydney trip:
- Ovolo 1888 Darling Harbour hotel is awesome
- Cappuccino in Sydney is amazing
- Beaches are breathtaking
- Love the airport lounge on the way home
- Loved the food on the way there
- Love the unisex bathrooms
- Was able to keep up with email for the most part
- Journaled a lot
- Watched several movies i loved
- Read 3 books while there
So grateful to be there. So grateful to be back.

Stories from 2017 is a year-long project for 2017. You can read more about my projects for 2017 here.

Thanksgiving is not a big ordeal in our house. Not having grown up in the United States, I never connected with this day for some reason. I love the idea of being Thankful but I don’t like most of the food, I don’t like to travel when it’s crazy, and I don’t cook.
This year, we were super-lucky to have my nephew Jeff come to visit us. It’s his first year in college so he came to be with us. Our kids’ school has Grandparents’ Day during this weekend, as well so it was extra-special for the kids that he came to school and did activities with each of them.
We were so grateful to have him here and making this Thanksgiving extra special.

And I am deeply happy. I love my tree. I love the lights. I love everything about it.
Stories from 2017 is a year-long project for 2017. You can read more about my projects for 2017 here.

Earlier this year, we went to Idaho so I could go to Brave Girls Camp. The kids were on break so they were kind enough to come with me because I didn’t want to leave everyone behind. During that trip, while I was in class all day, every day, the kids and Jake went on different adventures every day.
One of these adventures was going to a climbing wall. Before this trip, the kids had climbed walls at Fairs, etc but never all that seriously. During that one day, they had such an extraordinary time that since then we’ve had them take a week-long climbing camp and Jake has taken them to Planet Granite several times.
This past weekend, he suggested I go along just so I could see the kids climb. At first, I was all whiny about it because I generally use that time to have quiet time. When I got there, I was still not super thrilled about it. But towards the end of our time, David really came alive and started working harder and harder. And that one moment made me realize that all of the time I spent there was worth it.
It reminded me that sometimes it takes a while for us to get in the flow enough to get to a place where we really connect with something. Where we want to push ourselves harder and try more. It was such a joy to see both my kids come alive in a way I don’t usually get to.
All in all, Jake was right of course and I am really glad I went.

And I am deeply happy. I love my tree. I love the lights. I love everything about it.
Stories from 2017 is a year-long project for 2017. You can read more about my projects for 2017 here.

We always tend to put up our Christmas Tree earlier than average (and we always tend to keep it up longer than average, too.) But this year takes the cake, I believe. I usually can wait until we’re pretty close to Thanksgiving. This year, however, I was having a really hard time with Halloween and just finding myself more and more frustrated with it.
That coupled with the fact that my parents were visiting (and that my mom loves Christmas spirit almost as much as I do) gave me the idea that we were going to put up the tree the weekend before Halloween. Then while it still looked like Halloween outside, it could look like Christmas inside and I could be happy.
So that’s what we did.

And I am deeply happy. I love my tree. I love the lights. I love everything about it.
Stories from 2017 is a year-long project for 2017. You can read more about my projects for 2017 here.

I am not a fan of Halloween. Scary doesn’t jive with me. I am not a fan of all the skeletons, all the super scary costumes, walking around in the dark. I can go on and on. Just not a fan.
Alas the boys feel otherwise. At least this year neither of them were superheros or scary costumes. Nathaniel was a Woopie Cushion. And David loves puns so he printed photos of a few rappers and then put candy all over his shirt so he can be “Candy Wrapper.”
And here went another Halloween. Thankfully it was safe and fun. Onwards to other less-scary holidays.
Stories from 2017 is a year-long project for 2017. You can read more about my projects for 2017 here.

While I was in Seattle last week, my Mom and Dad arrived to the Bay Area. They had spent a week in Boston seeing my nephews and my sister and came here to see us. They stayed at a hotel really close to our house and I had the luxury of having a lighter week at work so I got to spend a lot of quality time with them every day.
It was really nice to sit in their hotel and not be rushing around and just relaxing and chatting together in the sun. This is not the kind of experience I get to have with my parents since they live so far away so I was really, deeply grateful.
They will be leaving today and I am hoping they will be back again soon!!
I love you so much mom and dad!!!

Stories from 2017 is a year-long project for 2017. You can read more about my projects for 2017 here.

This was the most amount of time I’ve spent in Seattle. I left Sunday night to ensure a full workday on Monday and then I scheduled my return flight for late late Friday so I could also work that day. Getting- work-done-wise, it was a good call. Almost every single of my minutes were full and I did not feel like any of the days were wasted.
But on a personal level, it was a long trip. I feel like 4 days works better than 5. I work super long and hard and then I spend day 5 recovering. Whereas now, I worked all those days, flew back home really late, woke up really early and had to take the kids for flu shots, then swimming lesson, then buy groceries, and then cook food for the week. Which is all too much after working nonstop for 5 days.
So now I am exhausted and will end up spending all this week catching up.
But alas, that’s the rhythm of my life and I still prefer it over the inflexible schedule I used to have. All in all, besides the rain, Seattle was still fun to visit and I am really grateful for everyone I work with!
Stories from 2017 is a year-long project for 2017. You can read more about my projects for 2017 here.

I live pretty close to a wonderful book store which regularly hosts awesome author events. I always intend to go, but rarely actually go. I had planned to go to the Maggie Steifvater reading this week but then Tuesday was long and tiring and I wanted to bail (as I often do.)
I dragged myself out of the house to do it and I am so glad I did. She was fantastic and hilarious and the hour I spent there made me laugh and smile and made me love her even more.
Now I can’t wait to read her book!
More importantly, this is a reminder for me to go even when I don’t feel like going!
Stories from 2017 is a year-long project for 2017. You can read more about my projects for 2017 here.

Nathaniel started a new school this year. He was the only newcomer to the Third Grade and I wasn’t sure how it was all going to play out. He’s pretty outgoing and pretty easygoing so I was optimistic that things would be okay but I wasn’t sure. As it worked out, he has been adjusting fine for the most part (thankfully).
There are many things I love about this new school but one of my favorite things is the Weekly Reflection letters he writes each Friday (I know it will come as a shock to you that I like exercises that help you reflect, he hee!) These lovely hand-written letters come in a lovely, colored envelope each week and contain tidbits from his week. He also writes a glow (something he’s proud of) and a grow (an area of improvement) each week.
These letters are the highlight of my week and I savor them. I am so grateful to his teachers for creating such a wonderful memento for this scrapping mom and giving the kids an opportunity to reflect each week.
Stories from 2017 is a year-long project for 2017. You can read more about my projects for 2017 here.
projects for twenty twenty-five
projects for twenty twenty-four
projects for twenty twenty-three
projects for twenty twenty-two
projects for twenty twenty-one
projects for twenty nineteen
projects for twenty eighteen
projects from twenty seventeen
monthly projects from previous years
some of my previous projects