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He looks smiley but he's been fussy almost all day and went on a full-out wailing spree when we were in Safeway today. Despite that, I got to run some errands and unpacked 12 more boxes. The end is still not in sight but I am feeling more hopeful. No art today. Maybe tomorrow...

And here's one of David. He's been wearing the Buzz Lightyear costume daily lately. I didn't think he was into dressing up but obviously I was wrong. He's so cute in it.

June 30, 2009 ~ 22:06 | link | photo of the day - 2009 | share[]


My friend Nicholas and Ty came over today and David immediately took Ty hostage and Ty was generous enough to play with him and read to him. He's the best. So is Nicholas who helped me!

Nathaniel had his 2-month appointment today which meant shots which meant a fever of 101. Poor boy.

June 29, 2009 ~ 22:06 | link | photo of the day - 2009 | share[]


Quiet day today. I decided not to do any unpacking today. Just some rest time. Family time and a small project for Big Picture Scrapbooking.

David and Daddy playing. Can you see his joy?

June 28, 2009 ~ 21:06 | link | photo of the day - 2009 | share[]


David has never ever been in water. Ever. Not one time since he was born. For the first four years, his pediatrician recommended otherwise so we never took swimming classes. But this summer, I wanted to register him for classes and see how he does in the water. I was a bit nervous but never said anything to him. Well, it turns out he was a superstar! From the first moment, he jumped, he put his head under water, he made bubbles. It was like he's always been in water. I can tell this will be a fun class!

Jake's parents have been in town and before they left, I wanted to make sure to capture some photos of them and Nathaniel. In this photo aboce he definitely looks just like me.

June 27, 2009 ~ 18:06 | link | photo of the day - 2009 | share[]


The Hulk David! He's been having so much fun with this costume. And here's one of the baby.

And just in case you think I don't have one from yesterday for Nathaniel, here it is. David kissing him while his grandmother holds him. Much loved.

June 27, 2009 ~ 17:06 | link | photo of the day - 2009 | share[]


Love this boy and this very handsome man.

June 27, 2009 ~ 17:06 | link | photo of the day - 2009 | share[]


Look at that look! And, of course, here's the sweet boy.

June 27, 2009 ~ 17:06 | link | photo of the day - 2009 | share[]


About to fall asleep.

June 27, 2009 ~ 17:06 | link | photo of the day - 2009 | share[]


Those stunning eyes. I wonder if Nathaniel will have them, too.

June 27, 2009 ~ 17:06 | link | photo of the day - 2009 | share[]


Catalyst sixty-seven is: What's your favorite part about being a woman or a man?

my words:

I am a firm believer that women are the better and stronger gender. Maybe because I've been lucky enough never to suffer any kind of discrimination as a woman so I only see the advantages. The ability to carry babies. The ability to multitask and to love unconditionally. To care. To feel. To cry. To communicate. To be soft and tender when needed and tough when needed. To be gentle. To be intelligent and emotional at the same time. To get things done.

I am not sure why but I've always felt that women are, in general, more capable and more intelligent then men. I hold women in the highest regard and feel like I'm honored and delighted to be one. Wouldn't have it any other way.

Note: This digital layout uses: kenner road swallow field, VINTAGE FLORALS by Shabby Princess, foto blend by Anna Aspnes, Katie Pertiet color challenge 4/25, meredith fenwick – all u need.

June 27, 2009 ~ 17:06 | link | creative therapy catalysts | share[]


The swing means a sleeping boy. Don't worry he sleeps in his crib all night. And ppor David is a bit bored.

And here's one from yesterday that I missed.

June 27, 2009 ~ 17:06 | link | photo of the day - 2009 | share[]


Yes, he is still on the swing.

June 27, 2009 ~ 17:06 | link | photo of the day - 2009 | share[]


Getting a teenty tiny bit settled in.

June 27, 2009 ~ 17:06 | link | photo of the day - 2009 | share[]


Relatively represantative of how our day has been. Blinders. IKEA. Crate and Barrell. Boxes. Unhappy children.

June 27, 2009 ~ 17:06 | link | photo of the day - 2009 | share[]


Ok, catch up time. We had no internet for DAYS! so I am going to post all the photos first and then I'll write up some words. Apologies ahead of time for the flood of posts.

Moving day.

June 27, 2009 ~ 16:06 | link | photo of the day - 2009 | share[]


These look like ordinary keys to you but they are not! They are the keys to our new home. Our first home. We are excited beyond belief. Thank you Mom and Dad!!

Here's the handsome boy with his one toy that's not packed.

Nathaniel isn't really sleeping at night. It's making me a bit crazy but I know it will be over soon so I am just trying to hang in there.

This is going to be a long long week for us so cross your fingers. See you when I have internet again.

June 16, 2009 ~ 22:06 | link | photo of the day - 2009 | share[]


I know, I know. It's dark in my house, photos come out blurry. I am working on it. But look at those hands! Quiet, happy day here. Nathaniel napped like on schedule every two hours. Yes!

We have no food left at home and all of his toys are packed so David's been watching movies and eating crackers. Yes, I know I am a terrible mom.

June 16, 2009 ~ 22:06 | link | photo of the day - 2009 | share[]


Here's my handsome boy. David went to his friend Halina's birthday today and Jake sent me videos from there as it was happenning and it was so fun. I love technology so much. And here he is playing with Nathaniel.

I love all my boys so so much!

I had a wonderful 90 minutes today as I visited my friend Cole's new house. Delicious food, wonderful company, and great conversation. Thank you, Cole!

Tomorrow starts our big week. Please cross your fingers for us.

June 14, 2009 ~ 20:06 | link | photo of the day - 2009 | share[]


Catalyst sixty-six is up: Create art around someone or something that you still have unfinished business with (something that's been bothering you for a while.).

here's my text:
Four years ago, when my son was born I had a falling out with a good friend. We haven't spoken since. Over the years I've often wondered if it was worth it. The fight we had. Whether it was worth losing the friendship. I am not sure. Sometimes I think maybe it wasn't...

This digital page uses the beautiful papers and elements from Kerry Lynn Yeary of Kenner Road.

June 14, 2009 ~ 20:06 | link | creative therapy catalysts | share[]


Nahaniel is totally smiling now and David loves it. He spend a good bit of the morning talking to him and imitating him (hence his open mouth) and singing to him. He's just the bestest. And I snapped this shot. I know it's blurry but I love the face Nathaniel is making so I'm keeping it.

Lots of good work done this morning. A few more days and the chaos will be done I think. At least one chaos. Then the other one will begin. But still....Well little boy just fell asleep and I think that's my cue to go to bed. Even though it's only 7:43pm. G'nite.

June 13, 2009 ~ 21:06 | link | photo of the day - 2009 | share[]


Last night I finally decided to give Nathaniel the milk I'd been saving. If I waited a few more days, it was going to go bad. I'm going to have to pump a whole bunch this weekend as next week is hectic with lots of people in and out of our house so I won't be able to nurse as easily. Here's David giving milk to the baby. He thoroughly enjoyed the experience. Then again, he's just the sweetest boy. Nathaniel, on the other hand, wasn't in the best mood.

I wanted to take a photo of both kids and here's David being his sweet, accomodating self and Nathaniel, not so much.

After a bunch of nursing, a nap, some burping later, he finally was in a good mood.

Not much light in this house. I can't wait to move. On other news, Nathaniel is definitely tracking now, nice to see that progress and he gives big, huge smiles throughout the day. We did a few more errands today (hard as they are with two kids) and packed a few more boxes. Here's something I learned while I packed my minibooks: I need to use more (or stronger) adhesive. All the embellishments were falling off. Ugh.

Happy weekend!

June 12, 2009 ~ 19:06 | link | photo of the day - 2009 | share[]


There are some people who come into your life during important stages in your life. People whom you will always remember even though they may not remember your name a year from now. For example, I remember the name of each person who interviewed me for my job at Google (and there were many of them.) I have, over the three years, run across many of them and they don't remember me, yet I know I will never forget them.

Same goes for the person who did my college interview or the person who sold me my first car, etc. The person who told me about Carnegie Mellon some twenty years ago. I bet he has no idea that he has completely changed the course of my life. I owe my education, my husband, my career, in part to him and his having mentioned the school to me all those years ago. These one-sided experiences always fascinated me.

Yesterday, I was talking to one such person. A woman who's helping me through another huge life moment. I told her how thankful I am for her help and how I will remember her forever. I said, "I know I am one of many for you because this is what you do, but you are and will always be special to me." She was touched and thanked me.

I wonder if people realize and appreciate the effect they might have on others. The tiny comment that might turn someone's life around. Something you do as part of your job might actually leave a lasting spot in someone else's journey. Isn't that magical?

I think we don't tell enough people how they've changed our lives. Imagine if someone told you about such a thing today. How something that was insignificant/effortless to you (something you likely don't even remember) actually left a permanent mark in their life. Wouldn't it be great to hear that. A bit scary maybe, but really awesome in a way that would put a smile on your face and remind you that your reach in this world is much wider than you imagine.

So take a moment today and thank someone who did that for you. Don't be embarrassed. Don't worry about how they might take it. Don't expect a response. Just do it. Maybe, just maybe, you might make someone's day.

June 11, 2009 ~ 20:06 | link | random thoughts | share[]


Here's Nathaniel attempting to do tummy time. Actually if you see the big photo, you'll see he's not doing tummy time at all. Jusy lying there. Hmmmm....

And here's David making funny faces. He loves making these faces when I grab the camera. As you can also see, we spend a lot of our day in pajamas lately. Need to get into a better routine but there's too much going on right now so I am cutting myself some slack. July 1 is going to be a week of changes here. Mark my words.

Good day today. I spent the day without a lot of expectations and such was relaxed and spent my time reading people's old blog entries (loving discovering new things this way and getting to see a person's blogging growth). Still managed to do a few more chores and pack a few boxes. Making progress. Very slowly but still...

June 11, 2009 ~ 20:06 | link | photo of the day - 2009 | share[]


The photos today aren't so good but honestly I am amazed I took photos at all. I got about an hour of sleep all night last night. Nathaniel decided it was fun to play all night and then struggled from 2-7am when I finally gave up and got up for the day.

I still got done a bunch of chores, not as much as I would have liked but here's to tomorrow being a better day.

June 10, 2009 ~ 20:06 | link | photo of the day - 2009 | share[]


A project I've been working on at work finally launched today. Check out the Google Quick Search Box. Trust me when I tell you that this product rocks. Some of the best people I know have been working on it and it's truly awesome.

June 09, 2009 ~ 22:06 | link | work | share[]


Nathaniel lying on daddy's shoulders. He loves his dad. And he loves David. He smiles at him all the time and today he was tracking him and watching all that he does. And here he is with his long long lashes.

Today was a big day here. Jake was home. We got a lot of stuff done and took a big step. The baby didn't sleep much at all last night so I was dead tired. Hopefully tomorrow will be better. Especially since I have to go to AAA and do yet another list of long chores. So cross your fingers for me.

June 09, 2009 ~ 21:06 | link | photo of the day - 2009 | share[]


I've been thinking a lot about validation lately. And the motivation behind why I do what I do and why I don't do certain things.

One of the things I do as a design team member is post my scrapbook layouts to a few sites. I have come to abhor this practice. Mostly because I've noticed that posting my work online anywhere immediately turns me into an obsessed psycho. Once I know it's up there, I hit refresh every five minutes for the next few days just to see if anyone left a comment. And my sun rises and sets with those comments. On the rare occasion when I make it to a top ten or get a special mention, watch me dance.

A part of me used to think it's just a silly reaction that comes from lack of confidence (which I have a lot of) but recently I've been thinking about how it's more than that. How it's damaging and how it plays to my insecurities even more so they never heal.

There are times I find myself scrapping a certain way (and this is not specific to scrapbooking, I used to write fiction and did the same exact thing back then or with photography) just because I know the community will like it. Just to get the comments. Or the approval. The validation. And, honestly, to me this is a big deal.

Everyone has their reasons for scrapping (or for thinking scrapping is stupid, low-class, waste of time. yes, i've heard it all) and I don't judge people who do it for pure art. But, for me, it's about the stories. It's about capturing and pausing life. So I can remember it forever. So I can look back and smile, laugh, cry, appreciate. Cause life is worth remembering. Every part of it. Even the bad bits.

So, while I appreciate other people's artsy pages, I want to journal on every single page I make. I want to do it without worrying about how much space it will take and how much the journaling might interfere with the rest of the design. I want to say all that I need to say. I want to be able to look at my page and know that I captured exactly what I wanted (needed) to capture. (Of course, I do like doing artsy things too and use other opportunities for that, like my tags.)

Yet, I seek validation nonstop. As soon as a page is finished, I have to show it to Jake. I have to post it on a board somewhere. It's like if someone, somewhere hasn't seen and liked it, it didn't happen. It was the same way with my writing. I'd make Jake read my stories and we'd spend hours fighting about his comments (or lack thereof) and he doesn't even read fiction!

So I need to find a way to stop this cycle. I need to learn to trust myself. Trust my pages. Trust that I am doing what I want to do and I don't need someone else to tell me it's beautiful. I don't need someone else to approve. I just need to do what I do and learn that the person whose approval and validation matters is mine. And just mine.

So how do I do that? Do I stop posting on the boards altogether? Do I post but ignore the comments (or lack thereof)? Do I just post on my blog? Do I not even do that?

I honestly am not sure. But I think the first step is to take a little break from posting elsewhere. My blog only. The second step is to go through all my layouts and figure out which ones I like the most and why. Find my true north. And then make peace with it. After I find what's "me," I think the second step will be deciding what I want from the people "out there." Maybe I want some true criticism or just techniques to learn or just cheering. Depending on what that is, I shall go look for the right community. I think that's the most important step. Finding the right people. Not trying to become something I am not. Not trying to fit into a place that's obviously not right for my goals. But finding the place that's right for me (and I don't mean the superfluous this-is-nice comments either. i don't like giving those and don't want someone to feel like it's a chore they need to fulfill.)

So what if there's no such community? Well, then I have two options: post nowhere or create the community I seek.

The most important step though is to stop seeking validation. Especially in the wrong places. How can I ask others to value my opinion when I don't value it myself?

June 08, 2009 ~ 17:06 | link | personal | share[]


David loves playing with Nathaniel's toys. I love that he doesn't think they are silly or childish. He's a great big brother to play with. And here's the baby with a hint of a smile.

Slow but productive day. Made a few appointments, packed a few boxes, not too much but slow progress. Tomorrow is a big day here, let's see how it goes.

June 08, 2009 ~ 17:06 | link | photo of the day - 2009 | share[]


I'm a doer.

I get things done.

Across all the jobs I've ever had and all the reviews I got, my managers always agreed on one thing: "Karen gets things done." It's who I am. I make lists and then I execute them. I am one of those people who dots the i's and crosses the t's. I like to see things finished. I love having todo lists and I love crossing the items off. It's what keeps me going.

So when something gets in the way of the ability to get things done, I feel very uneasy. I feel out of my power-zone and I get depressed. Quite quickly.

That's how things have been here lately. Nathaniel is getting up every two hours at night and he doesn't sleep during the day unless he's in my arms. Which means nothing else is getting done.

And I mean nothing.

Even on days when I manage to shower, I am rarely out of my nightgown (since it allows the best nursing, I tell myself) and I sit here and stare at the computer most days.

And I am depressed. I feel guilty. We're moving in a week and I feel bad for not going through and cleansing like I've been meaning to. I feel bad for David who is officially on summer break and already bored out of his mind. I feel bad for not creating anything. For not having started Nathaniel's scrapbook yet. For not taking photos of anything but my kids. For not going out and enjoying the beautiful California sun. For not making the most of my maternity which I know will pass by so quickly.

The list goes on and on.

At the end of each day (which is 8pm for me lately) I get sad and depressed and think of all I didn't do. I often tell Jake how horrible I feel. Sometimes I cry.

This is when the amazing and wise Jake tells me that I am doing the most important thing that needs to get done right now. I am raising our son. I am feeding him, taking care of him and loving him. This is all I need to do, he tells me. You are exactly where you need to be. he tells me.

I love him.

I am trying to remind myself that sometimes life requires pauses. Sometimes it's important to slow down. To be in the moment. I am trying to forgive myself for the things I am not getting done. I am reminding myself that life flies by so quickly and this tiny, little creature who needs my help, love, and nourishment will soon grow up and I will miss these days. I will miss them so much. My todo lists will be there when this time passes. I will go back to getting things done. It's what I do and the list of things that need getting done will never end.

So it's time to pause.


And be in the moment.

June 07, 2009 ~ 17:06 | link | personal | share[]


I love this boy. I cannot believe he's mine. I cherish him so much. And here's another shot of Nathaniel sleeping. Jake took this one while he was in my arms. Doesn't he look so peaceful?

Another day of blog surfing and baby hugging. Nothing else to report. Happy Sunday.

June 07, 2009 ~ 17:06 | link | photo of the day - 2009 | share[]


This week's catalyst is: Tell us about one thing you'd change about yourself (physical or otherwise).

Here's my text (an old blog entry):
When I was younger, I used to travel in a crowd of beautiful women. I don't know how it happened but all my female "friends" were drop dead gorgeous and within a few weeks, my self-image managed to wither away to nothing. At the time, I started playing a game where each time I caught myself wishing I had someone else's something (like hair or eyes or nose or legs) I would force the issue.

I told myself that the rules were such that I wasn't allowed to take body parts or personality traits and plug them into the rest of me. If I liked someone's something, I had to completely change places with that person. Not only did I get their whole body, but I got all their personal issues, emotions, family, psychological state of mind, past, living status, job and anything else you can think of. I basically forced myself to choose between me and this random (or in some cases not so random) person. Yeah, I got to have their small nose or blue eyes, but was I ready to also have their eating disorder? How about the disinterested mom? Was I willing to give up all of who I am to look like this person? It was my way of forcing myself to face the fact that people don't come in pieces. You want a part, you get the whole thing. How do you like them apples?

In fifteen years, I've never met one person I was willing to change places with. I don't know if it was the fact that I wasn't willing to give up certain aspects of who I am of my life or the fact that I tend to favor the known over the unknown. Looking at a woman walking down the street, I can see she has pretty hair or a size-2 figure, but I can't see what goes on in her head or how much she suffers daily. With me, at least I know the hand I am dealt and I know how to live within its limits, when to push it, when to enjoy it. The game's done a lot to improve my self-esteem.

June 07, 2009 ~ 17:06 | link | creative therapy catalysts | share[]


Sleeping peacefully. Pretty rare but happens every now and then. And I look at him and all I want to do is hold him, kiss him, hug him, and kiss him some more. Quiet morning over here as we relax and watch TV and play games and just enjoy a simple Saturday.

Feeling exceptionally hormonal today. Not sure why. Who even knows why it comes and goes. I have been discovering new blogs and going back to my favorites and reading their old old entries from years ago. I've been inspired and thoughtful. It made me want to write more. read more. think more. expect some entries to come. assuming i can find the time to sit and write.

June 06, 2009 ~ 21:06 | link | photo of the day - 2009 | share[]


Isn't he so beautiful? Ok, so I am biased. I do think those eyes are gonna stay blue, though. And here's the big brother figuring out how to put together a lego toy our neighbors left on our doorstep for him. We have the best neighbors.

Quiet day here. David's officially on vacation now so I have to figure out what to do for the summer. I think soccer, swimming and gymnastics classes for him, so he's not bored and I'll make daily schedules for us. Ten more days and we can organize our life a bit better. Let's see.

June 05, 2009 ~ 15:06 | link | photo of the day - 2009 | share[]


Nathaniel loves looking at light. I think his eyes will stay blue, don't you? And here's David on his last day of school. I am excited about this summer. I want to make the most of it with my boys.

Here's David playing music to the baby.

A few more small errands today but otherwise trying to take it easy. Nathaniel was up a lot last night so I am resting but not sleeping since he won't let me put him down. Can't believe we're in June already. This year is literally flying by.

June 04, 2009 ~ 17:06 | link | photo of the day - 2009 | share[]


I love him. There are no words to express how much I love him. Tomorrow is his last day at school and then the summer begins. Let's see how I do with two boys at home. And here's the little one curled up in his chair.

Another relatively good day. I ran errands like IKEA and getting insurance and signing paperwork and calling handymen etc. Nathaniel is sleeping so so. He wakes up every two hours and generally takes 45mins to an hour and a half to go back to sleep. It's enough that I feel ok during the day but not so much that I feel rested. Oh well...

June 03, 2009 ~ 18:06 | link | photo of the day - 2009 | share[]


Look at that! David yelled while I was in the kitchen this morning, "Look, Mommy, he's holding my hand!" I ran in and they were looking at each other and holding hands. My boys. I love them.

And here's one of Nathaniel in the bath. Love those fists.

Good day today! I had my six-week checkup appointment and all is well. I have this weird itch all over which has been driving me crazy so I finally got an appointment so that makes me happy. Nathaniel and I took a walk and then he napped while I cleaned up more. Making a dent now!

June 02, 2009 ~ 18:06 | link | photo of the day - 2009 | share[]

Daily Photos - June 1 2009

I told myself that today would be a relaxing day. Not getting anything done. No pressure for me. So right now I am watching TV and Nathaniel is sprawled on my lap, sleeping soundly and peacefully. He's so so cute.

And here's David from this morning with his Buzz Lightyear helmet. He's such a doll!!

Oh, and, rabbit rabbit.

June 01, 2009 ~ 17:06 | link | photo of the day - 2009 | share[]
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