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A few more shots around the house.

January 30, 2008 ~ 22:01 | link | picture of the day | share[]

DD - DAY 30

David and I got to play with crayons today. He likes them a lot. It must be in his genes.

January 30, 2008 ~ 22:01 | link | daily david photo | share[]


These are holders for the umbrellas the hotel provides you from one building to another.

January 30, 2008 ~ 22:01 | link | picture of the day | share[]

DD - DAY 29

Little boy, happy to have mom back. And I love the lip-bite.

January 30, 2008 ~ 22:01 | link | daily david photo | share[]


A few shots from Tahoe. Courtesy of the Google Product Team ski trp. I even skied. First time in nine years.

January 30, 2008 ~ 22:01 | link | picture of the day | share[]

DD - DAY 28

I was out of town for Monday and Tuesday so big thanks goes to Jake for taking these photos. Except for the one taken from my computer. He was wonderful enough to setup a video chat with me so I could see David from the hotel room.

January 30, 2008 ~ 22:01 | link | daily david photo | share[]


Still exploring my backyard. As much as I hate the rain, I love the colors it brings.

January 30, 2008 ~ 22:01 | link | picture of the day | share[]

DD - DAY 27

I love love love this photo of David. Looking out into the pouring rain.

January 30, 2008 ~ 22:01 | link | daily david photo | share[]


Lately, I've been wanting to play with paint.

January 26, 2008 ~ 19:01 | link | picture of the day | share[]

DD - DAY 26

My beautiful son.

January 26, 2008 ~ 15:01 | link | daily david photo | share[]


This was my birthday present from last year. I've used it a bunch but not nearly enough. Here's to a year of sewing projects.

January 26, 2008 ~ 01:01 | link | picture of the day | share[]

DD - DAY 25

David and the red umbrella. It's been pouring cats and dogs here.

January 26, 2008 ~ 01:01 | link | daily david photo | share[]


Tonight was dinner at Nicholas' place since our friend Anastassia was visiting from New York. We grilled veggies, meat, and bread on the raclette. After dinner, we ate ice cream created by Nicholas called Queasy Cream. Cream cheese ice cream, green dye, caramel, and chocolate cookies. It was yummy. Here are two other shots from preparing dinner:

January 25, 2008 ~ 23:01 | link | picture of the day | share[]

DD - DAY 24

David engrossed in TV.

January 25, 2008 ~ 23:01 | link | daily david photo | share[]


Tonight was Mahjong-night. We had a fantastic time with fantastic people. There was pizza, cheese, bread, cake, and much laughter.

January 25, 2008 ~ 23:01 | link | picture of the day | share[]

DD - DAY 23

Today was a full day. This morning David wanted to eat Jello really badly. I told him that he couldn't and then changed my mind (yes it's bad IDEA!) but then he said "Mommy, I so happy" and it totally made my day. He didn't just say "I happy," he said "I so happy." Then, we took him to get his hearing tested. Since he is speech delayed and some of his articulation is off, multiple people asked us to get him tested. The testers were wonderful with him, even though he did eventually get completely fed up with it. Today's David photo is him asking me "really nicely" whether he can have Jello. The rest are from the audiologist and more from the Jello time.

I love you so much, David. I so happy, too.

January 25, 2008 ~ 23:01 | link | daily david photo | share[]


Terrible photo, I know. But it's a memory of a good time so I still like it.

January 22, 2008 ~ 21:01 | link | picture of the day | share[]

DD - DAY 22

This is the first time I've ever thought David looks like me.

January 22, 2008 ~ 21:01 | link | daily david photo | share[]


Relatively relaxing day today. A morning of painting and then lunch and lounging around with friends. Here are a few other snap shots from today.

January 21, 2008 ~ 19:01 | link | picture of the day | share[]

DD - DAY 21

Some precious Daddy and David time from today. I don't know how I got so lucky as to have two of the best men in the universe.

January 21, 2008 ~ 19:01 | link | daily david photo | share[]


Spring is finally coming to my backyard. I am going to miss so much of this.

January 20, 2008 ~ 18:01 | link | picture of the day | share[]

DD - DAY 20

Not much to say to this one.

January 20, 2008 ~ 18:01 | link | daily david photo | share[]


In the last few weeks, I've become the office joke because I had the audacity to claim that I am not extroverted. Anyone who's met me under most normal circumstances will quickly realize that I talk. A lot. Really. A lot. With a few exceptions, I make friends quickly and feel comfortable chatting up random people. I speak my mind. I tend to talk quickly and a lot, so people think I talk without thinking. People make judgments quickly and, unless they spend considerable amount of time with me, they don't get to see how I spend all my time. So they tend to "figure me out" quickly and yet incorrectly.

Here's what wikipedia says about extraversion and introversion:

Extraversion is "the act, state, or habit of being predominantly concerned with and obtaining gratification from what is outside the self". Extraverts tend to enjoy human interactions and to be enthusiastic, talkative, assertive, and gregarious. They take pleasure in activities that involve large social gatherings, such as parties, community activities, public demonstrations, and business or political groups. An extraverted person is likely to enjoy time spent with people and find less reward in time spent alone. They enjoy risk-taking and often show leadership abilities.

An extravert is energized when around other people. Extraverts tend to "fade" when alone and can easily become bored without other people around. Extraverts tend to think as they speak. When given the chance, an extravert will talk with someone else rather than sit alone and think.

Introversion is "the state of or tendency toward being wholly or predominantly concerned with and interested in one's own mental life". Introverts tend to be quiet, low-key, deliberate, and relatively non-engaged in social situations. They take pleasure in solitary activities such as reading, writing, drawing, watching movies, listening to music, inventing, designing, programming and using computers extensively. An introverted person is likely to enjoy time spent alone and find less reward in time spent with large groups of people (although they tend to enjoy one-to-one or one-to-few interactions with close friends). They prefer to concentrate on a single activity at a time and like to observe situations before they participate.

Introversion is not the same as shyness, though introverts may also be shy. Introverts choose solitary over social activities by preference, whereas shy people avoid social encounters out of fear.

An introvert is energized when alone. Introverts tend to "fade" when with people and can easily become overstimulated with too many others around. Introverts tend to think before speaking. When given the chance, an introvert will sit alone and think rather than talk with someone else.

I added the underlines to show what pieces of each are true for me. While I am chatty and enjoy the company of people, I hate parties. I don't like large social gatherings of any kind actually. I prefer the company of a good book to 98% of people, including my friends. I spent years writing. Even scrapping is something I prefer to do in the solitude of my home. I spend hours thinking about my life, my choices, the people around me, etc. I would say, for the most part, I am not shy and, depending on who it is, I certainly get energized with people around me. However, I always prefer solitude. I loved working from home. So maybe, in the end, I am not an introvert, but an ambivert. A term wikipedia describes as:
Ambiversion is a term used to describe people who fall more or less directly in the middle and exhibit tendencies of both groups. An ambivert is normally comfortable with groups and enjoys social interaction, but also relishes time alone and away from the crowd.

I don't know why the distinction matters so much to me. I don't know why I try to convince my work mates that they are wrong about me. It shouldn't matter much, I suppose. In the end, it's just a label. And, as with many others, neither of these labels fit me well. People are allowed to think however they want. I guess I mostly mind that how I see myself doesn't seem to match how others see me. Does that really matter?

January 20, 2008 ~ 18:01 | link | psychology & philosopy | share[]


And I remember saying to her, "The show is over by noon. I could be in the car by twelve-thirty and be able to pick up my kids from school every afternoon."

"It's perfect," Elizabeth said again. "It's the perfect balance of family and work." And it seemed it would be. A mid-morning show, four days a week, someone else's signature on it. A show that didn't belong to me - it would give me a certain distance, and the freedom necessary to raise my family. I think this is close to every workingwoman's dream. It's the fantasy that somehow you'll land a gig that allows you to explore your talents without shortchanging your children, a job both big and small to allow you to exist in all your dimensions - domestic, corporate, maternal, artistic.

I've always been a fan of Rosie O'Donnell. I like her rawness. Her honesty. How so much of herself she is. So I was bound to read Celebrity Detox. The most profound parts of the book, for me, were about the struggle between motherhood and self-identity.

There is no such thing as having it all. It does not happen. People who say it does are lying. People who think they have it are wrong. It's just not humanly possible. Each time you do something, you're sacrificing something else. It's just a fact of life. So the trick is to choose how you spend your moments wisely.

January 20, 2008 ~ 17:01 | link | literature | share[]


Each time we go to Muir Woods, I am compelled to take photos. I click, click, click the whole time we're there and then we get home and I download my captures of the day and I am always disappointed. My photos never come out well. They can never convey what I actually saw. I feel this way in several places, but I think Muir Woods is one of the worst.

I was thinking today that it's because there's so much more to Muir Woods than what's visible to the eye. There's the smell. The beautiful scent of wood and the humidity and the plants. There's the texture; everything that practically screams for you to touch it. There's the sound. The streaming water. The birds. The little critters. And, most importantly, there's the feeling. The overwhelming sense of being enveloped by nature. Protected. How negligible one's existence is in the face of these trees who've been here for centuries. All of those things, combined, make Muir Woods the magical place that it is.

And these things cannot be captured by the camera. At least not with someone at my level of photography skills.

January 20, 2008 ~ 17:01 | link | photograpghy | share[]


David doesn't like to take naps. He often fights on the way to bed. But, every now and then, he takes these long, peaceful naps. Sometimes they last three hours. After one of these, he wakes up a little disoriented but very happy. He's well rested. Ready to conquer the world.

It takes him a good twenty minutes to go back to his usual self. When he's in one of these dazes, I look at him and I can't believe he's my flesh and blood. He's so pure. So beautiful. His white skin is so unblemished. He looks like a real-life china doll. I am filled with so much love for him that I can hardly breathe.

I don't know how I got lucky enough to have this extraordinary child, but I am thankful for it every single day.

January 20, 2008 ~ 17:01 | link | david | share[]


Two weeks ago, I posted a photo from Mark and my stroll around Stanford campus. Here are all the others.

January 19, 2008 ~ 22:01 | link | photograpghy | share[]


I absolutely adore Muir Woods. I fell in love with it the very first time I was there in 1999. It was one of the main reasons I wanted to move to the Bay Area. It turns out I don't get to go nearly as often. When we talk about going, it always seems so very far away. But then we get there and I remember the incredible peace that always surrounds me when I am there.

We had an absolutely wonderful day. David loves the woods almost as much as I do. Here are all the photos from today.

January 19, 2008 ~ 20:01 | link | photograpghy | share[]


Five of us went up to Skyline Drive on Friday night and had a wonderful time shooting at night. My photos didn't all come out as great as I'd hoped but I still had a total blast. Here are the rest of them. Here's to more night photography, soon.

January 19, 2008 ~ 20:01 | link | photograpghy | share[]


We went to my favorite place in the world today: Muir Woods. More photos coming very soon.

January 19, 2008 ~ 19:01 | link | picture of the day | share[]

DD - DAY 19

It's not that Mr. Potato Head's glasses are too small but they are also upside down.

January 19, 2008 ~ 19:01 | link | daily david photo | share[]


Friday night, a few of us from work went to the top of Skyline Drive to do some night shooting. It was a lot of fun. I will be posting a bunch more photos from the session in a few minutes.

January 19, 2008 ~ 19:01 | link | picture of the day | share[]

DD - DAY 18

My very very smiley little boy. Isn't he the sweetest?

Here's another cute shot from today:

January 19, 2008 ~ 19:01 | link | daily david photo | share[]


All the product managers in my team went out to dinner at a Vietnamese restaurant in Mountain View tonight and I wanted to capture a bit of the amazing desserts. Here's a photo of a few of the people there.

January 19, 2008 ~ 19:01 | link | picture of the day | share[]

DD - DAY 17

This is David with a grape in his cheek. But what I really love is the hair...

January 19, 2008 ~ 19:01 | link | daily david photo | share[]


Today was our team offsite. We went to Los Gatos to play bocce. Half my team works remotely from home, all over the US, so it was wonderful having them all in one place.

January 19, 2008 ~ 19:01 | link | picture of the day | share[]

DD - DAY 16

It's been a really hectic week. So here's all the photos I did take throughout the week. This is David sitting in Mommy's chair. It's always fun to watch him try to get up on there as the wheels move.

January 19, 2008 ~ 19:01 | link | daily david photo | share[]

DD - DAY 15

I left home at 4am and I didn't get home till late so it wasn't a good day for David photos. But here's the little one, eating his meatballs, wearing my Macworld badge.

And here's a photo of him outside the Moscone center when we went to pick my badge up.

January 15, 2008 ~ 21:01 | link | daily david photo | share[]


I wouldn't be doing my job as a recorder of events if I didn't post photos from Macworld. I woke up at 4am this morning to drive to San Fran with my work mate, Greg. We still weren't able to get into the main room. We spent the day in the Google booth, demoing our products to people. It was a very long but quite a nice day. And, while it won't do the thinness justice, here's my first photo of MacBook Air:

January 15, 2008 ~ 20:01 | link | picture of the day | share[]


Bits and pieces of toys are scattered all around our house. In corners we didn't even know we had.

January 14, 2008 ~ 20:01 | link | picture of the day | share[]

DD - DAY 14

A little shot from bedtime.

January 14, 2008 ~ 20:01 | link | daily david photo | share[]


More documenting from my house. This is the orange tree in our backyard.

January 13, 2008 ~ 22:01 | link | picture of the day | share[]

DD - DAY 13

Cutie little boy. Lately, he likes being photographed.

January 13, 2008 ~ 22:01 | link | daily david photo | share[]


Doesn't it look magnificent?

January 13, 2008 ~ 12:01 | link | scrapbooking | share[]


For completeness sake.

January 13, 2008 ~ 12:01 | link | scrapbooking | share[]


For completeness sake.

January 13, 2008 ~ 12:01 | link | scrapbooking | share[]


I am so glad I did this journal. It made this year magical beyond all years.

January 13, 2008 ~ 12:01 | link | scrapbooking | share[]


And now it's all over. Here's to next year.

January 13, 2008 ~ 12:01 | link | scrapbooking | share[]


What to remember for next year. For me it's all about getting the presents ahead of time.

January 13, 2008 ~ 12:01 | link | scrapbooking | share[]


This year really was one of the best Christmases I've had in my life.

January 13, 2008 ~ 12:01 | link | scrapbooking | share[]


All the joy and anticipation and hope the new year brings is intoxicating for me.

January 13, 2008 ~ 12:01 | link | scrapbooking | share[]


Looking towards 2008.

January 13, 2008 ~ 12:01 | link | scrapbooking | share[]


Finally took photos of the last few pages. Here's the last one for the month of December.

January 13, 2008 ~ 12:01 | link | scrapbooking | share[]


I know you must be sick of photos of stuff in my house but this was the first year we bought wonderful, little things for Halloween and I want to make sure I remember them. I love these corns. I love the color.

January 13, 2008 ~ 01:01 | link | picture of the day | share[]

DD - DAY 12

We took David to the park today and I snapped five million photos. I will post them later but here's one I love.

January 13, 2008 ~ 01:01 | link | daily david photo | share[]

DD - DAY 11

And here he is, finally able to touch it. Minutes later, it was just a balloon. To be fair, it took a whole two days for him to completely destroy it.

January 13, 2008 ~ 01:01 | link | daily david photo | share[]


One of the engineers who works in our team is awesome in multiple ways, as is often the case with Googlers. Mark made this incredible poodle for me. I knew I had to give it to David and that he would immediately destroy it. So I wanted to capture a shot before he did. The whole time I was taking this photo, David was reaching out for it and crying at the same time.

January 13, 2008 ~ 01:01 | link | picture of the day | share[]

DD - DAY 10

Sorry, I'm running a bit behind on posting them, but I am still doing them. Here's David ignoring his millions of toys and looking up at a shelf out of his reach. I would like to call your attention to the fork he placed so elegantly on the car.

January 13, 2008 ~ 01:01 | link | daily david photo | share[]


Tonight was my first time on Apple campus. I was there for Cocoaheads since Ted was talking about the MacFUSE Objective-C framework. Here's the video of the talk.

January 13, 2008 ~ 01:01 | link | picture of the day | share[]


Ok I know this one's a bit lame but it's for me to remember how behind I am in all my reading. Just sitting on the table, looking at me, enticing me but not actually getting touched.

January 09, 2008 ~ 21:01 | link | picture of the day | share[]

DD - DAY 9

David's sharing his little frog book with me and showing me the mirror. You can never instill the love of reading too soon.

January 09, 2008 ~ 21:01 | link | daily david photo | share[]


Of course today's about the elections as well. But the captured facial expression is one of my favorites.

January 08, 2008 ~ 20:01 | link | picture of the day | share[]

DD - DAY 8

A black and white one for today.

January 08, 2008 ~ 20:01 | link | daily david photo | share[]


Leftover pumpkins from Halloween. One would think they were bad by now but two months down and they are still so cute.

Not a pumpkin person? Ok, here are some stamps for you:

January 08, 2008 ~ 20:01 | link | picture of the day | share[]

DD - DAY 7

You thought I was slipping, didn't you? Today we took David for his speech evaluation. As part of that, the evaluator showed him a bunch of photos and asked him to say what they are. When he saw a couch, he said "Couch, mommy couch." and then they showed a book and he said "Mommy's book." That prolly sums up my life for the last 20 days that I've been sick. Mommy on the couch with a book.

January 08, 2008 ~ 19:01 | link | daily david photo | share[]


My friend Mark and I took a long walk around Stanford campus today. It was a wonderful time even though it started raining and we couldn't find our car. More photos from today to be posted later.

January 06, 2008 ~ 21:01 | link | picture of the day | share[]

DD - DAY 6

David was playing so happily that when he saw me grab the camera, he was amused and even posed for me.

January 06, 2008 ~ 21:01 | link | daily david photo | share[]


Rainstorms are still all the rage here. Supposedly we'll have another six or seven days of them. Joy Joy.

January 05, 2008 ~ 16:01 | link | picture of the day | share[]

DD - DAY 5

Today was one of a lot of fun and horsing around with Daddy. Here are a bunch of others from the same fun moments.

January 05, 2008 ~ 16:01 | link | daily david photo | share[]


As opposed to last year's Christmas vacation, I got a lot less reading (however a lot more scrapping) done this year. The two I managed to read are Twilight and Breakdown Lane. So let's talk about Twilight. I'd read about this one on multiple blogs and thought that there would be no way I'd like it since I don't generally read young adult novels and I definitely don't read anything about vampires. Ever. I really mean ever. Yet I loved this book. It was a lightweight, easy read. Well enough written that it didn't bother me the story was a perfect fit for my mood. I'd sort of hate to admit it, but I did really enjoy reading this book.

I picked up Breakdown Lane because when I absolutely hated Twelve times Blessed, Kim and Cheryl told me to read this one instead. And, man, they were right. I absolutely adored this book. It was depressing as shit. Really, really depressing. And I was so very sick so it only exacerbated my grief. But it was so much better written than the other book that it's hard to believe it was the same writer. The book left me with a lot of thoughts but that's for another day.

I've also read a few scrapping books but that's for another day. I really need some good fiction. Any ideas?

January 04, 2008 ~ 21:01 | link | literature | share[]

DD - DAY 4

Oh uh. David was not very accommodating with the photo taking today. I hope this is not a trend.

January 04, 2008 ~ 21:01 | link | daily david photo | share[]


Today, we had one of the biggest rain storms we've had in Palo Alto since I've moved here. Nonstop rain and heavy winds. It was not fun. However, one of the benefits of a lot of rain is that grass and plants get a lot of water and become really colorful. So I wanted to capture the beautiful reds in our front yard to remind myself that rain is not all bad.

January 04, 2008 ~ 21:01 | link | picture of the day | share[]


Ok, so I have two of them today. At first, I was like, "Oh, crap that doesn't work with the rules." Then I remembered, guess what? I make the rules! How do you like them apples?

This is a photo of one of the Christmas lights we put outside. They are iridescent. With all the rain, it looks even more magical to me and I wanted to capture it so I could remember this special holiday season.

January 04, 2008 ~ 20:01 | link | picture of the day | share[]

DD - DAY 3

Today's shot is of David looking out the window and watching the rain. It's a good thing I was sick and not at work. I hate rain.

January 03, 2008 ~ 22:01 | link | daily david photo | share[]


And we've caught up to today's photo. For anyone who knows me, today's photo should be predictable. This is the first time I get to vote in a presidential election and so I am watching every moment of every major political event. And, of course, the Iowa Caucus qualifies. It was Obama and Huckabee's nights.

January 03, 2008 ~ 22:01 | link | picture of the day | share[]

DD - DAY 2

Another Christmas present shot. Jake's parents got David a bunch of toys and one of them was this hat which is David's new favorite toy.

January 03, 2008 ~ 21:01 | link | daily david photo | share[]


Today's photo is more for me than usual. As Jake was in the side yard, cutting up our tree, I snapped this photo of our side yard. I've always wanted a house with a yard and this one has two of them. I don't know how long we'll have a house and the side yard's so green right now that I wanted to make sure I captured its beauty.

January 03, 2008 ~ 21:01 | link | picture of the day | share[]

DD - DAY 1

And here is our daily David for Jan 1st. I couldn't miss this amazing little moment where, as always, David enjoyed the boxes his presents came in more than the presents themselves.

January 03, 2008 ~ 21:01 | link | daily david photo | share[]

PotD - Day 1

Yes, I know I haven't done the looking forward post yet. I have had a fever of 101 for the last four days and I've pretty much been in bed the whole time. I will do the post as soon as I pick up all the pieces I've been dropping for the last few days. David's been sick twice in the last three weeks and Jake just came from the hospital where he found out that he has a well-advanced ear infection. So our household has welcomed 2008 in our own special way. By being sick.

Anyhow. I'm starting two new things this year: picture of the day and daily David. We'll see how far I go, but the goal is to capture random photos from my day. They are not meant to be high quality (though they can). They are meant to document something from my day. Each day.

Today's is about our tree. This year, we got a real tree for the first time in ten years and we decorated it with white and blue ornaments and lights. It made this holiday season my very favorite. I looked forward to seeing that tree every night when I came home and every morning when I woke up. So this photo is to commemorate our last day with the tree.

January 03, 2008 ~ 21:01 | link | picture of the day | share[]
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