<b>Macroland III</b><br>Another macro at Torrey Pines State Reserve. I like the texture and colors on this one, too. My macro lens turned out to be quite a bit of fun that day. I will probably post one or two more but if you want to see them all you can go <a href='pictures/canon/macro/macro.html'>here</a>. I've made a big effot to find out some ideas for macro shors that are not of flowers or insects. It's not because I find those to be boring, it's really because I wanted the variety. If you have ideas for other macro shots, I am very open to suggestions.
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Macroland III
Another macro at Torrey Pines State Reserve. I like the texture and colors on this one, too. My macro lens turned out to be quite a bit of fun that day. I will probably post one or two more but if you want to see them all you can go here. I've made a big effot to find out some ideas for macro shors that are not of flowers or insects. It's not because I find those to be boring, it's really because I wanted the variety. If you have ideas for other macro shots, I am very open to suggestions.

Why I Sometimes Hate Email
Since I work from home, I do a lot of email correspondance. One of the things I've noticed lately is that people feel a lot more comfortable being rude over email.

It must have to do with the fact that they don't have to visualize a human being on the other end. Some people just let it all out and say stuff you would never say to an actual human being. When I get one of those emails, I don't even bother to write back anymore. I pick up the phone and call the person. I start the conversation on a very cordial and kind tone and they change almost instantly.

Within a minute or two, they are apologizing. Listing the reasons why they had the assholish tone in the email and how stressed out they are and how they were having a bad day, etc. We then move to the part where I explain to them that it's perfectly understandable and we all have bad days and then we manage to actually talk about the issue and often resolve it without much problem.

They didn't need to send the nasty email for me to call them. Nice goes much farther than nasty ever did. Nasty means I am never going to bend over backwards for you. Nasty means I'd never bend the rules for you. Rules were invented for me to have to enforce them on the nasty people. They're my protection. So why go with the nasty approach?

I just urge everyone to remember that even if it's easier and faster and doesn't require personal confrontation, it doesn't mean that an email is not read by a human. I can't stand people who don't have the balls to say something to my face and choose to write it and send it away instead.


November 11, 2004 | pet peeve | share[]
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