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when it rains, it pours

when it rains, it pours
Until I met Jimmy, I used to be only a dog-person. Actually, I didn't even like the cats. I used to think they are selfish and mean. Jimmy changed all of that. I met him three weeks after Jake and I started dating. His family had had the cat for about 14 years at that point. Jimmy was the sweetest cat. He came up to you and purred. He let you pet him as much as you wanted and he was extremely patient. Unlike any cat I ever met before. In the last six years, I grew to love Jimmy very much. Even though I was deathly allergic to him, I loved being around him. This morning at 5am, Jimmy passed away. May his soul rest in peace.

The New York subway system is really entertaining. A woman threatened to smack a guy with her Snapple bottle and a guy started talking to strangers about dick-shaped gum. All of this in the first five minutes of my ride. Don't you wish you lived here?

Have I mentioned how much I love Christmas? A lot. On our first winter in New York, we bought a Christmas tree and since I never had a real one, I didn't know one was supposed to water them. Duh? Yep. Anyhow, this year we're leaving town for Christmas so I didn't wanna buy a tree and kill it once more, but I really love the smell of fresh pine. So guess what I did? I bought a wreath! It smells divine. Color me happy.

If you ever wanted to know what happens behind the closed doors of Alcoholics Anonymous, here's your chance. Then again, those doors aren't really closed. Anyone can attend. I've been to a few with my ex-boyfriend but that's another story for another time. Even with the high rate of alcoholics in America, 2 out of 4 boyfriends seems too high, doesn't it? Amazing how I seem to attract them, especially since I don't drink.

A while ago, I wrote about the author of Fight club. As I talked about his unique style, I seemed to have missed a few details. He also likes the make sure all his books have major twists in the last ten pages. Not to mention that his books are full of twisted people and subjects. Even though I really enjoy his writing style, I couldn't get myself to finish his second novel.

Who are your favorite authors? Whose style do you enjoy?


December 07, 2000 | previous | personal | share[]
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