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What's Wrong?

What’s wrong with me?

You mean more than the usual?

Ha ha. Seriously, I think I’m losing my mind.

I’m sure you’re exaggerating. You seem to be of sound mind to me.

Yeah? I came to work on Wednesday and within ten minutes I couldn’t remember whether I took my medication or not. I sat there, staring at the bottle, hoping it would tell me if I’d already swallowed one.

That’s perfectly normal. People forget things all the time.

The same thing happened on Thursday morning.


Also, I seem to be crying a lot.

You always cry a lot. You cry at Goldie Hawn movies, for goodness sake!

Yes, but I don’t usually cry at work. Yesterday, I broke down and wept three times at work.

It’s just the medication, I’m sure it’s making you edgy.

I spend most of the night staring at the darkness and watching the clock. During the few hours that I pass out, I have vivid nightmares that haunt me even after I wake up.

You just need to calm down and have some fun.

You’re joking right? I can’t sit for longer than fifteen minutes before my leg feels like millions of needles are pricking it. As soon as my back touches anything, it’s like someone is rubbing sandpaper against my skin.

You can still lie in bed and read. You claim you love reading so much, here’s your chance to do tons of it.

I can’t concentrate at all. My mind is all but mush. I can’t do my work, I can’t read more than a page of anything.

Watch TV then. Play video games.

I’m considering going back home.

Good idea, maybe you can lie down a bit and put some heat on your back.

No, I mean home home.

You mean Turkey home?


Okay, I didn’t realize things were this severe. I think it’s time to go see someone. Preferably a professional.

That’s what I’ve been telling you all along.

Previously? Weird

January 12, 2001 | previous | emotional | share[]
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