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What the Future Holds

Heather's mention of Tarot card reading made me remember my childhood struggles with fortune telling. When I was fifteen or so, my sister and her friend went out dancing on a Saturday night.

At the early hours of the next morning, I woke up cause of a commotion in the living room. The girl that my sister went out with was in the hospital. The story goes that somewhere around two hours into the night, she went over to my sister and asked if my sister wanted to come along to another bar a few miles away. My sister shook her head, so this girl and a guy left the bar, saying they'd be back in a few hours. In OJ fashion, a third guy joined them in the car, but he was totally drunk. The driving guy wasn't so sober himself and there are several versions of this story, one being that he was really drunk and another that a car was chasing them and cornering them. Either way, the guy ended up smashing right into the wall of a tunnel with a sharp turn and the girl flew out of the window (at the time, you weren't required to put on a seatbelt in Turkey) and was plastered all over the wall.

The driver was only slightly hurt and the guy in the back walked away without injuries but also slept through the entire event. The driver then picks up the remains of the girl and hails a cab (says a lot about Turkey that a cab was willing to stop for a guy carrying a really bloody girl) and takes the girl to the nearest hospital. She lays in a coma for several weeks and then comes out of it long enough for the doctors to consider doing reconstructive surgery on the originally breathtaking girl's now non-existent face. But the next day, she lapses back into the coma and dies.

After she died, there were a lot of rumors circulating that this girl used to consistently go to a fortuneteller. Supposedly, this fortuneteller told her that very week that she was going to die during that week. While the likeliness of this story being true is slim to none, it still gave me the creeps.

To add to my disdain of palm readers and such, my neighbor went to see one with a bunch of her friends and they were all in the room together when this woman tells my neighbor that her father is cheating on her mother. Even if the fortuneteller was totally wrong, is this something you want to hear in front of your friends?

Putting my skepticism or lack thereof aside, I don't think I could possibly stand hearing potentially damaging news, from someone who is supposed to tell the future, and not dwell on it.

It's not that I'm not curious, I'm just really scared, I guess. Cause you know what? I have more than enough worries already.

Previously? Totality of Life.

February 06, 2001 | previous | family | share[]
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