<b>Dandelions</b><br>To celebrate Jake's birthday, we returned back to Cleveland National Park on Monday. Like last year, the weather was vast blue skies with puffy white clouds. There must be something special about the park with its fantastic weather. This year it was even breezy.
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To celebrate Jake's birthday, we returned back to Cleveland National Park on Monday. Like last year, the weather was vast blue skies with puffy white clouds. There must be something special about the park with its fantastic weather. This year it was even breezy.

What I Missed the Most
It's been almost two months since my last entry. I've had this site on and off for five years. I wasn't sure if I was going to miss writing this time. There are times when writing here is fun and times when it feels more like a chore. In the months preceding the closing, it had become more like the latter. Each night that I went to bed without updating, I'd feel like I let someone down. Fact is, I have few readers, but I still felt like shit. Which is why I stopped.

I wasn't sure if I was going to miss any of it. I haven't been taking photos (except of David) and I have just begun sleeping again and my days are filled with David, work, a new small business, reading, and, of course, Jake. I figured my life was full enough.

But I did miss it.

From the day I turned ten to Freshman year in college, I kept a diary every single night. Many people asked me how I found something to write each night. I just did. I liked writing every day. It was my thing. That's sort of how I feel about this place. I want to make sure it never goes away. Since college, I've attempted to keep diaries many times and it just never worked. When David was born, I promised myself (as I did when I found out I was pregnant) that I would keep a written record. I have managed to take photos every day he's been alive (except day three) but I have three failed attempts at writing. Whatever little I've written here is the most I've written anywhere.

So I am going to keep writing. I can't promise it will be consistently, but I am going to try hard. I won't post photos when I don't have them but I also won't let that stop me from posting. I will try to write a tidbit about David each day, more for me than you, I'm putting it in a different section so if you don't want to read it, feel free to skip it. Sometimes the David section might be longer than the main section, but not usually. Once I start taking regular photos again, I will post those too. At least that's the plan. And we know what happens to best laid plans.

So there we are. This is the closest thing I got to my childhood diaries. And I miss writing down my ideas. I miss talking about my random thoughts. I miss sharing my emotions. I miss recording my life. The everydayness of my life.

But, mostly, I missed the bitching. So expect some whiny posts coming soon.

Thank you for sticking around.

September 07, 2005 | site related | share[]

Now that he's sleeping through the night and falling asleep on his own, I go in to check on David a while after he gets quiet. A few days in a row, I see him lying on his side, clutching his little frog. When he's not clutching the frog, he's hanging on to the bumpers on the side of his bed. Sometimes he's so cute that I just want to wake him up and envelop him in kisses. But, of course, I know better.

6 months 4 weeks 2 days | share []
©2005 karenika.com