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This is using AMM's November kit.

David, in just a few months, you are going to be five years old. I can't believe you've already grown up so much and I am amazed every single day at how much you're maturing.

You are one of the kindest boys I know. You always share your toys with everyone. You say thank you and please and I'm sorry. You are generous and loving with your little brother and love to give him hugs and kisses. You shriek from excitement when you go to school and when you come home.

The littlest things can make you so happy. Like having graham crackers instead of oatmeal for breakfast. Like going to the grocery store with Daddy. You always say things like "You're the best Mommy ever." or "I had a fantastic day." You've been practicing your letters and can write most of them perfectly. You can spell your name and my name and Daddy's name and you're working on Nathaniel's too.

You can count all the way to a hundred and you practice constantly. You have mastered the Wii and the Tivo remote and the iPod video. And the games on my iPhone. You make jokes all the time and laugh out loud. You snuggle under the covers with me and hold my hand.

You say goodnight words every night. Three kisses and three hugs. I love you, I'll see you in the morning, Don't let the bed bugs bite and I love you with all my heart. Every night.

I have no idea how I got to be so lucky. How I got to have a son as incredible as you. But I am thankful for it every single day. I love you, my son.

With all my heart.

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