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Wee Hours

The night before her philosophy paper was due, my college roommate swallowed the two Vivarins that came in her Freshman box.

In our first week in college, we each got a box with the 'essentials'. A small box of shaving cream, a razor, a pack of advil, tampons, tooth paste and a toothbrush, deodorant and a pack of Vivarin. Two years later when I became a Resident Assistant, I tried to get the Vivarins removed from the package but I lost. Well, that's another story for another time.

My roommate ended up pulling an all-nighter but her brain was completely asleep yet the chemicals wouldn't let her body cooperate. So she couldn't write her paper and she got no sleep. The next morning, she felt like shit. And she still had a paper to write.

My first all-nighter was to guard the fence. At CMU, we have a tiny fence that's outside one of the main buildings. Much of the campus-event advertising is done through painting this fence. The rules are that you need to guard it all night, before you can paint it. So my organization got a tent and we spent the night by the fence. A perfect college experience.

All-nighters are exactly what college is about.

Thanks to a full load of classes, real good friends, several jobs, and unquenchable energy, I spent many all-nighters in my four years. To be fully honest, most of them had nothing to do with homework. I was having too much fun, I enjoyed being around the people and sleep seemed to be a waste of time.

Since graduation, I have pulled one, a single, all-nighter. It was during my very first year in New York, when I was chatting with friends on the computer and working on my 3-D trumpet. I modeled and rendered it all that night. I'd been working on it on and off for a long time but I kept getting it wrong. The energy I got at three in the morning and the excitement of talking to my friend, allowed me the concentration to actually get it right.

I can't seem to stay up all night any more. By the time my watch says eleven, my eyelids are heavy and I struggle to make it to bed. It might have something to do with getting up at seven, or that I'm six years older now, but I think it's just that I'm lacking the environment.

The enticing setting.

I miss school. I miss the friendship, the chatting about everything, even the work. But most of all, I miss the all-nighters. The wee hours when your body is tired but getting its second wind. When you're giddy and laugh at everything. When you don't care that you'll be dead tired tomorrow.

When you just do it cause it's fun.

Do you remember your first all-nighter?

Previously? Reality.

August 13, 2001 | previous | learning & education | share[]
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