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At a swap meet a few weeks ago, I bought David a plastic guitar. It has buttons on it that play classical or pop music depending on its mode. David carries this guitar all over the house and puts it down wherever he rests. He then presses the buttons and dances while the plastic guitar sings. I have never ever danced in front of this little boy. I haven't danced in over ten years. There's no way he observed this. I am wondering if moving to music might be a genetic or inherent thing. Any ideas?

I used to be a scared, lonely little girl who cried a lot. I hung to my mom's skirt often. David, on the other hand, is an independent and happy little boy. Making him giggle takes two seconds. Last weekend, on the plane to St. Louis, he made friends with the stewardess and ran up and down the aisle to hug her. When she pointed at me and told him to come to me, he ignored me and went back to hugging her. He smiles at everyone, especially girls and women. I am not sure how he can tell the difference but he seems to ignore men for the most part. Maybe it's the makeup or the hair.

I am regularly amazed at David's sweet nature. Not that he doesn't have his moments but he's such a joy. If they all turn out like him, maybe having a few more is not such a crazy idea after all.

April 04, 2006 | david | share[]
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