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I've never understood people who hate different people. Whether it be a differing skin color, religious background, sexual preference or dressing up in an odd fashion.

Why is it that some people get angry when they see gay men? How is that so threatening? Why does it bother you if a guy decides to dress up like a girl? My very first gay friend ever was a guy named Brad. Freshman year in college. Kinda late, I know, but people don't come out all that easily in Turkey. Or they didn't in my environment when I lived there.

Maybe I remember it differently, but I don’t recall being mad at Brad, ever. He was a kind, giving and caring person. He had just told his parents and they had not reacted well. Actually quite badly. Enough such that he ended up having to drop out of college to save money so he could afford to go back in college.

I just don't understand the hostility. Does it come from a fear that if such people exist you might accidentally become one? How little fun would life be if we all looked the same and we all thought the same. Yet, even as a child we tend to feel the need to make fun of others. Little kids love to gang up against an unusual looking little boy or a girl with a funny name.

One of the reasons I love New York is that one rarely feels like a freak here. There are so many varieties of people and everyone's so busy living their own lives that, they don't have the time to stare at others. Or they don't care.

I love that.

Just live and let live, I think. As long as you're not affecting my life, who am I to tell you how to live yours?

Previously? Blondes Have More Fun.

February 18, 2001 | previous | random thoughts | share[]
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