urban trees - tap root and growth ~ <a href='pictures/canon/ut/ut.html'>click</a> for more
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Urban Trees

While reading the Reader last week, I came across Urban Trees in the special events list and added it to the list of our Photo Marathon Sunday activities. It wasn't a top priority and we would get to it if the sun was still up by the time we finished all the other events on our list.

Well, the sun stayed up and we went down to the Embarcadero. It turns out the trees were magnificent and I took several hundred shots. When we came home, I found the site and realized we missed two of the thirty "trees" and that some of my pictures got corrupted. Some turned out way too blurry either due to too much movement or bad photography skills. All of which means I'll have to go back down there and take some more shots soon. Here are the ones I've taken so far. Feel free to let me know which ones you like more and which ones you think I should reshoot. (Yes, I do know that they could all be better.)

The installation reminded me of the cows that had taken over New York a few years ago. Since they were spread all over town, every now and then we'd run into a neat one and stop to take notice. The trees here are right next to each other which makes it more and less pleasant at the same time. I guess it's more reasonable this way in San Diego since it's much less of a pedestrian city than New York.

Well, I am off to New York in a few hours. Will try to update from there.

April 08, 2004 | photograph | share[]
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