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Universe and Me

Today was a good day.

Last few months have been days of crisis after crisis. Going to work and staring at the screen and coming back home without having gotten my scripts to work. Spending hours trying to make sense of everything that just refuses to cooperate. Not responding to email or phone calls while the do-to list keeps increasing. Some jerk stealing my credit card and using it to put expensive crafts supplies. Classes where I would love to do the homework only if my brain would cooperate.

Wednesday, I realized one of the biggest reasons of my unhappiness at work. Thursday, I got it resolved. I had a very important meeting today, which went so well it was beyond my expectations. And to top it all off, I fixed my script.

I responded to the three most outstanding and most dreaded emails I'd had since November. My friends Judy and Priscilla, whom I hadn't seen in three years, came to New York so we got to meet and have a long chat. My Italian Literature teacher recommended several books that I've been looking forward to read. I got the notary signature/stamp on my affidavit due to the fraudulent charges on my credit card.

As more and more issues got resolved, I felt more energized and fixed even more stuff. Amazing how something small can set off a chain reaction.

Sometimes the universe just aligns to fit your needs and all you need to do is be thankful.

Thank You.

Previously? Silence.

February 23, 2001 | previous | personal | share[]
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