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My mother never graduated from high school.

There is a word for people like my mom in Turkish but I've been struggling with finding an accurate translation. If I look up the word "becerikli" in a Turkish-English dictionary, it says skillful. But I don't think that's an accurate translation. We mostly use it to mean a combination of capable, skillful, street-smart and several other related concepts.

My mother has worked pretty much every day of my life. At times she worked eleven-hour days and at times, she only worked a few days a week. She's never worked in the traditional company setting. When I was a kid, she used to design jewelry and work as a consultant to individuals who wanted custom-made jewelry. She'd draw the design according to their tastes and then get it made for them. She worked with a bunch of jewelry makers, stone setters, etc. After I graduated high school, she reduced the hours she worked in order to learn to relax and enjoy life a bit more.

A few years ago, she started offering decorative advice to a few acquaintances. They would pay her to rearrange the furniture, paintings, etc. in a certain room to give it a new look. She was so good that word of mouth got her new clients. She moved from simple rearrangement to decorating. She went antique shopping. She decorated restaurants. She's gotten to a point where she ends up having to turn down offers cause she's too busy.

Yesterday, Jake and I walked over to Borders so that I could check out some GRE books. I've been contemplating getting a PhD. Most of the areas I'm interested in require a subject-GRE exam. As I leafed through the biology, literature and psychology exams, I got more and more discouraged. By the time we walked out of the bookstore, I'd almost given up on the idea of applying to college. What was the point? There was no way I was going to get accepted. I even told myself that after a BS and an MS, I had no knowledge to show for all that past education.

Several hours later, I started thinking about my mom and how she'd managed to have several successful careers without much education. Surely such careers were hard to start without the appropriate education background, but she'd done it. And if she could do it, why couldn't I? I told myself to stop feeling depressed and start making plans. I decided to do research about several jobs I'd love to do and figure out what background the people in those positions had. I also decided to look into different research projects offered by schools in areas I am interested. I figured even if I can't get into the program now, I might be able to get a job in the area and start learning.

I've always been proud of my mom for her tenacity and ability to do just about anything she wanted. But today, she taught me another valuable lesson. She taught me that life is not always conventional.

There are a plethora of paths to reach an end-goal.

Previously? Crappy Web.

April 29, 2001 | previous | family | share[]
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