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TV and Me

I've been meaning to write.

Wednesday, I came home and stared at the TV.

Thursday, I fasted all day so I spent half of my day watching TV and the other, sleeping.

Today, it's 9pm and I just got home from Japanese class and I am worn out, tired and my back is exploding with pain.

So you can see that I've accomplished a tremendous amount in the last three days. And since I've had absolutely no intellectual input, it's been hard to produce output.

October is going to be a long month for me. I have applications to fill, essays to write, homework to do, a novel to keep writing, a short story to rewrite and another to write from scratch, GMAT to take, two volunteer jobs to maintain, not to mention my actual paying job. Each time I sit down to make a list, it gets so big that I just turn on the TV and watch it till it's time to sleep.

Of course, my back's acting up again doesn't help matters much.

The good news is that much will change after October. The applications will be finished, the essays and the GMAT will be completed. The novel? Well, the novel will probably still have a long way to go. Come January, things will be even further resolved because I will have received many of the answers.

In the meantime, I need to tear my face away from the TV, try and forget the piercing pain, and do what must be done.

So my writing may suffer in quality (and I will not entertain jokes on how it never had any and all that crap) or it might be intermittent and I apologize in advance. Right now it seems crucial to make sure I can accomplish the goals that will ensure my future and do them well, without affecting my health more. All right, enough cheese. I just got work to do. That's all.

If anything, this entry should make you happy that I'm not writing more often.

I must stop now, the Tivo is calling my name.

Previously? Pursuit of Happiness.

September 28, 2001 | previous | art & music & film | share[]
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