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Last week, I bought the Aeron chair. Actually, I got it as a present from my grandmother. I've craved having this chair for a long time and, I must say, it hasn't disappointed me. It's the bestest chair! Yeay!!

I spent all of last week bummed that I was leaving town cause I had so much to do. Yesterday, we drove back to New Haven after working out in the cold an entire day. We took the 11:15 train from New Haven, getting home around 2am. All of this, so I could wake up in my own house and finish the list of things I had planned for this weekend. Do you want to know what I did all day? You guessed it: nothing! I woke up all congested and dizzy. I walked from the bed to the couch and planted myself in front of the TV, actually, the TiVo. I spent the entire day watching one program after another. I did write the scene for my novel that was due tomorrow, but that's it. Nothing more. I am such a loser! Argh! I do the same thing every week. You'd think I would have learned by now.

Thanks to my portable Panasonic player, I watched High Fidelity on the train home yesterday. I'd read the book a while ago and loved it. The movie, as usual, wasn't as good. Even though Cusak tried hard, Hornby's cynicism just can't come across on the movie screen as it did on the pages.


October 29, 2000 | previous | personal | share[]
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