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For the longest time, I've struggled with having too many areas of interest. I've always felt like I don’t know enough about anything. While most people have a specific area of passion, I want to know it all.

This might seem like a neat flaw on the surface, but the lack of depth in my knowledge base depresses me. Is it better to know a lot about one thing or a little about many things? I love the idea of being a practical expert on an issue, but I don't want to sacrifice the time that would take away from learning millions of other things.

I know that I prefer speaking seven languages half-assed to speaking one amazingly well and I think most people would agree with that preference. At the same time, I think I should master at least one language. Just like how I should master programming since it's the profession of my choice. I spend hours and hours wondering about this dichotomy in my personality.

Today, my Italian literature teacher talked about the "Renaissance Man" analogy that people like Leonardo DaVinci symbolized. He talked about how Dante sort of started that era by being a political figure as well as a poet. He mentioned that these people were into experiencing the totality of life.

Experiencing the totality of life. That's exactly what I want to do!

I want to play musical instruments. I want to draw and paint and sculpt. I want to speak nine languages. I want to study literature. I want to study Math and Physics and Biology. History and Politics. I truly can't think of subjects where I have no interest at all.

Leonardo and Dante were both amazing at everything they did, which is why they are the quintessential Renaissance men. I don't share that quality, but at least I share the drive. And that can't be bad, right?

Totality of Life. Doesn't it sound so wonderful?

Previously? Tunes and Memories.

February 05, 2001 | previous | learning & education | share[]
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