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Too Much Information

A while back, Jason polled his readers about their preferred superpower. Even though it didn't win, my choice of the three would have been to make myself invisible. But my real option wasn't even on the list. If I got to pick my superpower, I'd want to read people's thoughts.

I'm confident this is an outcome of my childhood dealings with two-faced people. But even besides that I'm always fascinated by what goes through people's minds. How people feel about things and what they're thinking at specific moments.

So alongside the "I wish I knew what people think about me" thought, I do have a scientific interest in this superpower.

Ahem. Well most wise people in my life say that this would be a huge disaster. When you hear other people's thoughts, you'll quickly realize that the world is not a nice place. Even people whom you consider close friends, have negative thoughts about you every now and then. And some things are better left unsaid. There is a reason we choose to say some words out loud and others not to say at all.

Think of the number of times you think a negative thought about your best friend. About your boyfriend. Even about your family. How much of a relationship would you have with any of them if they could read your mind?

I totally agree that the above is food for thought. But it also makes me wonder why we keep certain things unsaid. When you feel anger or sorrow and you keep it inside, it only builds up to become resentment. If someone pisses you off, why don't you tell them? If someone hurts your feelings, is it better to not be honest? When does hiding become a good thing?

Maybe I am naive, maybe I am stupid. But I'd still like to hear people's thoughts.

At least until I lose all faith in humanity.

What about you? Would you want to hear other people's thoughts?

Previously? Labyrinths.

March 12, 2001 | previous | random thoughts | share[]
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