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'Tis the Season

I absolutely adore Christmas.

I know that as a Jewish person I'm not supposed to feel that way, but to me, Christmas is not a religious holiday. I guess what I actually love is the Christmas season and all that it's come to represent.

In Turkey, we all put up Christmas trees and decorations but they are called "New Year's" trees. We don't have the caroling but we have the lights. We have the presents. We pile them under the tree, and open them on New Year's day. The only difference is that New Year's eve is not a family event. Ever since I was twelve, I went to different parties on the eve of the New Year and I didn't return home until the next morning. It's a tradition.

But the New Year's Day is all about family time.

No matter what religion you observe, I can't understand why Christmas season wouldn't cheer you up. I love the smell of pine trees. I love the thousands of lights shimmering all around the city. The wreaths. The sound of the bells. I love the presents. I even love the funny hats. [ I am so sorry, Heather.] Two years ago, I celebrated Christmas with my friend Laura and her family. They took me to midnight mass. I remember walking into the church and loving the candles and being mesmerized by the songs.

Don't get me wrong, I love Chanukah. Most of the Jewish holidays that I observe mean a lot to me and I love being a part of the culture, the traditions and the remembrance. Those are spiritual for me, but Christmas isn't. I know that the idea behind it is and so is the significance of the day. But I guess I love Christmas for the same reason most people hate it.

Because it's become pop culture.

If I were Christian and devout, I might be upset that Madison Avenue has converted the holiest of days to another excuse to sell an item. But I'm not. Instead I enjoy the fact that it's become an excuse to give gifts. An excuse to extend good wishes to those close to us. To friends we might have not talked to in a long time. A reason to give to the less fortunate. Time to collect family members into a single room.

New York gets a major makeover from Thanksgiving to New Year's Day. All of Fifth Avenue stretches its creative muscles and gives us magnificent displays. And after this year, Rockefeller Center and the tree and the angels will have a lifelong special place in my heart. During the month of December, it's almost impossible for me to walk down to street without smiling. I love the trees everywhere. It's as if the season uplifts me. I love buying gifts even more than receiving them. 'Tis the season to give, after all. And what's better than sharing and giving?

Tomorrow morning, I'm off to celebrate Christmas with Jake and his family. If you celebrate Christmas, may you have a most amazing one. If you don't, use the day of to hook up with old friends or to make new ones.

Either way, may your day be filled with happiness and laughter.

Previously? Home Alone.

December 23, 2001 | previous | holidays | share[]
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