<b>Pelicans Galore</b><br>Last time we came to Santa Barbara, we didn't see any pelicans on the pier. I had seem many other people's shots of pelicans on that same pier and felt bummed that we missed them. This time, I got lucky. Very lucky. There were at least seven pelicans and these weren't just ordinary pelicans. They feared no human. They let me get very very close. There were baby pelicans and mother pelicans. I can't tell you the number of photos I took. I will try to refrain from posting all of them but I might have to sneak in a few of them since I love them. This is one of the feet of the baby pelican. Taken with the f/4 70-200.
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Pelicans Galore
Last time we came to Santa Barbara, we didn't see any pelicans on the pier. I had seem many other people's shots of pelicans on that same pier and felt bummed that we missed them. This time, I got lucky. Very lucky. There were at least seven pelicans and these weren't just ordinary pelicans. They feared no human. They let me get very very close. There were baby pelicans and mother pelicans. I can't tell you the number of photos I took. I will try to refrain from posting all of them but I might have to sneak in a few of them since I love them. This is one of the feet of the baby pelican. Taken with the f/4 70-200.

Time Away
I love car trips. Ever since we did our cross country trip I love the idea of piling up everything I love into the little car and driving to fun places. Being in California and having a car has meant that we can leave town at the drop of a hat. Since we've been here, we've taken around one trip a month to somewhere within California.

I am hoping this fact won't change when the baby comes. On Wednesday, Jake and I drove up to meet his brother and parents in Santa Barbara to celebrate Thanksgiving. I am thinking this will be our last trip out of town before the baby comes. Especially since I'm already almost too big to sit in the car comfortably.

Our current car trips already include 7 books, 10 movies, a cooler with lots of veggies, fruit and water, several gigs of music, 2 laptops, several chargers, camera with three lenses, several sets of changes of clothes, and a blanket and pillow. All this just for a four-day trip. I can't begin to imagine how much more complicated it will get once I have to bring along diapers, baby clothes, baby blankets, baby food, baby toys, and a million other baby needs. Our little Civic isn't the roomiest car there ever was but it has accomodated us very graciously.

Pithier and longer entries when I'm back in town. In the meantime, Happy Thanksgiving and enjoy your weekend.

November 27, 2004 | personal | share[]
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