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Tidbits of Life

After a three-week hiatus, I went back to my volunteer job today. Today's task was to call the supervisors of each employed client to find out whether the employer is still happy with the person. Hearing comments like 'He's awesome' and 'We're very happy' made my day even though I don't know any of these people personally. When I think of my job, that's what counts most. I want to be doing a good job. Cheesy? Maybe, but it's the truth.

When I was in Japan, there was an arcade right by my house. I'm not originally a huge fan of arcades but this one had a typing game that my friend John and I played until the wee hours of the morning. It's the same game as The House of the Dead but instead of shooting, you have to type the words that appear on the screen to kill the monsters. The Japanese version had Japanese words, therefore making the typing really hard. I almost bought a Dreamcast just to be able to play this game but there was no American version. Until Now. Yeaaaaayyyy!!!

Ten Passed Technologies [ via slashdot ] Real interesting but they certainly should have included Betamax as well.

Okay, I admit. I watch the Rosie O'Donnell Show. Embarrassing? Probably, but I like it. It keeps me abreast of many upcoming movies. I like that she's so nice to all her guests as opposed to other talk show hosts who try to squeeze out the juicy bits of the guests’ lives. Today she had on the man who won the Teacher of the Year award from Disney and this teacher was so excited and he talked about how he had a second job as a waited cause his salary was so low and his bills were so high. Thanks to Rosie's show Barnes and Noble donated 10grand worth of books to this teacher's class and Rosie made his lifelong dream of seeing the Great Wall of China come true by buying him and a friend tickets to China. This guy was so amazingly thrilled that I teared up. I know slate hates her and I know that I should be embarrassed to be watching it, but I love seeing all the happiness that she works so hard to give. In a world where there are so few well-intentioned people left, she makes me smile.


December 19, 2000 | previous | random thoughts | share[]
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