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Here is the last one of my layouts with this month's A Million Memories kit.

Journaling Reads:

Little boy, today you are three months old. I can’t believe how quickly the last three months have passed. You have already grown so much. You weigh almost double what you did at birth. You are so strong and can hold your head up without any assistance. You can do tummy time like nobody’s business and you have just recently started grabbing things. Oh, and you laugh, you laugh so much and so magically that it makes everyone around you laugh.

Everyone says how much you look like me and I suppose they are right. You certainly look more like me than your brother does. You have my coloring, my face shape, and maybe even my eyes. But the one thing you have that I never did is the best attitude in the world. You are the most smiley baby I’ve ever met. It takes two seconds for you to break into a smile when someone looks at you. You meet their eyes and you smile so wide that the other person cannot resist smiling right back.

You’re not sleeping all that well just yet but I have hope for you. You’re already a better sleeper than your brother was at six months. I am hoping that, with time, that will just fall into place. Either way, before I know it, you’ll grow up and sleep in your big boy bed like your brother so I am going to enjoy these moments while they are still here and keep it all in perspective.

Happy three months, my son. I love you with all my heart.

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